Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I was at the park with the kids over the weekend, since it was such a sunny day. It was a lot busier there than usual since there was a tournament of sorts with little league baseball teams, which made me more nervous. It's hard to keep an eye on everything and everyone at once, so I had to use discretion and trust. But I digres….that's not the point of this post!
There was this little boy on the swings; he had to be about 3 years old, very cute. His father was beside him trying to teach him how to pump his legs so he could swing on his own. It was quite neat to watch. He'd tell him when to tuck his legs under and when to lean back and outstretch them. He sounded just like a coach out there! It was going all so well.
At first.
Then I saw the boy was off the swing and the Father was on it, showing the boy what to do. And that's when it got a *bit* much. The father was starting to get touchy and angry with the boy. He wouldn't let the poor child back on the swing because he couldn't learn how to swing, despite the father's teaching. So the boy starts towards the slides, head hanging down. He looked so downheartened. My heart ached for him.
Then his father starts to get upset with him because he's crying, and tells him that if he doesn't stop crying and start playing again, they are going home. To which he tells his older son (about a 5 year old) that the younger boy is being "a baby". My blood is starting to boil by then. Especially when I saw that the boy, with his head still hanging down, starts to repeat, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault."
Excuse me??? What three-year-old says THAT???? My heart is aching just remembering. I wanted to pull that boy into my lap, wrap my arms around him, and tell him that he did great on the swings and that I knew that he would one day learn to do it himself, but I was proud of him because he was getting so big.
I had to bite my tongue from saying anything to the father, though. I was going to approach him. I really was. But I decided not to. Maybe out of fear. I kept visualizing him getting angry at me and starting a scene and calling me names. Although, that would make HIM look worse, I still didn't want to have to put up with that. *sigh* I'm so weak. Instead, I said a prayer for the little boy.
What is wrong with some parents? Why do they have to be so hard on their children? I know that I am not perfect (*snort* FAR from it!!!!) and that I have said things I shouldn't have and acted less-than-nice, so I know that it is easy to do, but sheesh! Getting angry at him because he couldn't figure out how to swing yet??? The kid is THREE!!!!
Poor boy. The thing that got me the most was his "it's all my fault" bit…it shows that he's used to feeling like crap, and placing blame on himself. I wonder what else the father has done or said to him? It's sad. I feel ill to think of how he will grow up.
There was this little boy on the swings; he had to be about 3 years old, very cute. His father was beside him trying to teach him how to pump his legs so he could swing on his own. It was quite neat to watch. He'd tell him when to tuck his legs under and when to lean back and outstretch them. He sounded just like a coach out there! It was going all so well.
At first.
Then I saw the boy was off the swing and the Father was on it, showing the boy what to do. And that's when it got a *bit* much. The father was starting to get touchy and angry with the boy. He wouldn't let the poor child back on the swing because he couldn't learn how to swing, despite the father's teaching. So the boy starts towards the slides, head hanging down. He looked so downheartened. My heart ached for him.
Then his father starts to get upset with him because he's crying, and tells him that if he doesn't stop crying and start playing again, they are going home. To which he tells his older son (about a 5 year old) that the younger boy is being "a baby". My blood is starting to boil by then. Especially when I saw that the boy, with his head still hanging down, starts to repeat, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault."
Excuse me??? What three-year-old says THAT???? My heart is aching just remembering. I wanted to pull that boy into my lap, wrap my arms around him, and tell him that he did great on the swings and that I knew that he would one day learn to do it himself, but I was proud of him because he was getting so big.
I had to bite my tongue from saying anything to the father, though. I was going to approach him. I really was. But I decided not to. Maybe out of fear. I kept visualizing him getting angry at me and starting a scene and calling me names. Although, that would make HIM look worse, I still didn't want to have to put up with that. *sigh* I'm so weak. Instead, I said a prayer for the little boy.
What is wrong with some parents? Why do they have to be so hard on their children? I know that I am not perfect (*snort* FAR from it!!!!) and that I have said things I shouldn't have and acted less-than-nice, so I know that it is easy to do, but sheesh! Getting angry at him because he couldn't figure out how to swing yet??? The kid is THREE!!!!
Poor boy. The thing that got me the most was his "it's all my fault" bit…it shows that he's used to feeling like crap, and placing blame on himself. I wonder what else the father has done or said to him? It's sad. I feel ill to think of how he will grow up.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Posted by
1:02 AM
who I'm listening to right now
I first mentioned this couple in Aug '08, when they got engaged.
Leana has been a long-time friend of mine. Actually, she is Julie's best friend ever since they met when they were in grade 8. (I think) Back then, I wasn't too sure I liked her, as she was everything I thought I was supposed to be: blonde, straight hair, thin… After a while I realized that she really wasn't a threat, and while I don't share the same friendship that my sister and her do, I do care for her.
When she & Mike first started to date over two years ago, I think we all JUST KNEW that they were Meant To Be Together and would end up married! It just took them some time to admit to it! *wink* What an honor to be included in on their wedding day, even though I haven't chatted much with them or had time to get together with Leana. (I even had to miss her bridal shower and bachelorette!) And what a wonderful wedding it was!
And what a tough wedding it was too! Abi came along with me, and I was worried we were going to be late, since we arrived just as it was about to start. Within 5 minutes of sitting down, a gentleman came up to the front with an announcement. Uh-Oh! That's usually not a good sign! Turns out, the Father of the Bride had come down with Pneumonia!!!!! He was at the hospital at the moment, but with lots of medication and prayer things would be on its way again; so the ceremony was delayed by about 45 minutes. (at this point, Andy was wondering if he had enough time to sneak out and grab some fast food since he left late and missed lunch!nbsp; We decided he'd better not since he was already going to be in trouble for forgetting the camera!!!)
In the end, her father DID walk her down the aisle! He managed to get an hour's pass from the doctors to do that bit before he had to return to the hospital! The poor man looked so pale! But how wonderful that he was able to be there for his daughter! I don't know who walked whom though!

I first mentioned this couple in Aug '08, when they got engaged.
Leana has been a long-time friend of mine. Actually, she is Julie's best friend ever since they met when they were in grade 8. (I think) Back then, I wasn't too sure I liked her, as she was everything I thought I was supposed to be: blonde, straight hair, thin… After a while I realized that she really wasn't a threat, and while I don't share the same friendship that my sister and her do, I do care for her.
When she & Mike first started to date over two years ago, I think we all JUST KNEW that they were Meant To Be Together and would end up married! It just took them some time to admit to it! *wink* What an honor to be included in on their wedding day, even though I haven't chatted much with them or had time to get together with Leana. (I even had to miss her bridal shower and bachelorette!) And what a wonderful wedding it was!
And what a tough wedding it was too! Abi came along with me, and I was worried we were going to be late, since we arrived just as it was about to start. Within 5 minutes of sitting down, a gentleman came up to the front with an announcement. Uh-Oh! That's usually not a good sign! Turns out, the Father of the Bride had come down with Pneumonia!!!!! He was at the hospital at the moment, but with lots of medication and prayer things would be on its way again; so the ceremony was delayed by about 45 minutes. (at this point, Andy was wondering if he had enough time to sneak out and grab some fast food since he left late and missed lunch!nbsp; We decided he'd better not since he was already going to be in trouble for forgetting the camera!!!)
In the end, her father DID walk her down the aisle! He managed to get an hour's pass from the doctors to do that bit before he had to return to the hospital! The poor man looked so pale! But how wonderful that he was able to be there for his daughter! I don't know who walked whom though!

I managed to catch a picture of Leana hand-in-hand with her new husband and the other hand raised in praise to her Father. And it is a breathtaking photo. Not because I am an awesome photographer, because clearly I am not, but because of the meaning the picture holds. Shouldn't all marriages be conducted in this fashion? Shouldn't I myself be living like this? One hand together with my Hunny as One, and the other open and ready for God to lead. I pray that this is how Leana & Mike see their marriage as well What a witness at a wedding!

MR. & MRS.!!!!!!!
I was dateless for my first time at the Reception and I must say that it sucks! I am not confident enough to be single at a wedding when I normally have a companion! I didn't like the feeling of not having anyone to talk to or dance with (not that Hunny would normally dance anyways, but that's not the point!) since Julie and Andy were busy at the Head Table or chatting with others or too much into themselves! LOL But aren't they a gorgeous couple? Don't you just love them like I do?

Here Jundy (like that? I smushed their names together, teehee!) are dancing to their very own wedding song "Amaze"! It'll be 8 years for them this May!

Absolutely Beautiful….even though she had troubles with the dress fitting properly. I think my sister is STUNNING. Here is a none-too-stunning picture of the two of us….more like STUNNED! LOL Granted, it was also nearing midnight and we were tired but had somehow ended up volunteering to stay and help clean up!

I love my sister. Even when she makes me look like a Gnome beside her!!!! I don't know where my makeup went or what happened to my hair… lol
What a day!
Here I am Humbled by your Majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man
covered by the blood of the lamb
now I've found
the greatest love of all is mine
since you laid down your life
the greatest sacrifice
Majesty, majesty
your grace has found me just as I am
empty handed but alive in your hands
majesty, majesty
forever I am changed by your love
in the presence of your majesty
here I am, humbled by the love that you give
forgiven so that I can forgive
here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire
sanctified by glory and fire
now I've found
the greatest love of all is mine
since you laid down your life
the greatest sacrifice
Leana has been a long-time friend of mine. Actually, she is Julie's best friend ever since they met when they were in grade 8. (I think) Back then, I wasn't too sure I liked her, as she was everything I thought I was supposed to be: blonde, straight hair, thin… After a while I realized that she really wasn't a threat, and while I don't share the same friendship that my sister and her do, I do care for her.
When she & Mike first started to date over two years ago, I think we all JUST KNEW that they were Meant To Be Together and would end up married! It just took them some time to admit to it! *wink* What an honor to be included in on their wedding day, even though I haven't chatted much with them or had time to get together with Leana. (I even had to miss her bridal shower and bachelorette!) And what a wonderful wedding it was!
And what a tough wedding it was too! Abi came along with me, and I was worried we were going to be late, since we arrived just as it was about to start. Within 5 minutes of sitting down, a gentleman came up to the front with an announcement. Uh-Oh! That's usually not a good sign! Turns out, the Father of the Bride had come down with Pneumonia!!!!! He was at the hospital at the moment, but with lots of medication and prayer things would be on its way again; so the ceremony was delayed by about 45 minutes. (at this point, Andy was wondering if he had enough time to sneak out and grab some fast food since he left late and missed lunch!nbsp; We decided he'd better not since he was already going to be in trouble for forgetting the camera!!!)
In the end, her father DID walk her down the aisle! He managed to get an hour's pass from the doctors to do that bit before he had to return to the hospital! The poor man looked so pale! But how wonderful that he was able to be there for his daughter! I don't know who walked whom though!
I first mentioned this couple in Aug '08, when they got engaged.
Leana has been a long-time friend of mine. Actually, she is Julie's best friend ever since they met when they were in grade 8. (I think) Back then, I wasn't too sure I liked her, as she was everything I thought I was supposed to be: blonde, straight hair, thin… After a while I realized that she really wasn't a threat, and while I don't share the same friendship that my sister and her do, I do care for her.
When she & Mike first started to date over two years ago, I think we all JUST KNEW that they were Meant To Be Together and would end up married! It just took them some time to admit to it! *wink* What an honor to be included in on their wedding day, even though I haven't chatted much with them or had time to get together with Leana. (I even had to miss her bridal shower and bachelorette!) And what a wonderful wedding it was!
And what a tough wedding it was too! Abi came along with me, and I was worried we were going to be late, since we arrived just as it was about to start. Within 5 minutes of sitting down, a gentleman came up to the front with an announcement. Uh-Oh! That's usually not a good sign! Turns out, the Father of the Bride had come down with Pneumonia!!!!! He was at the hospital at the moment, but with lots of medication and prayer things would be on its way again; so the ceremony was delayed by about 45 minutes. (at this point, Andy was wondering if he had enough time to sneak out and grab some fast food since he left late and missed lunch!nbsp; We decided he'd better not since he was already going to be in trouble for forgetting the camera!!!)
In the end, her father DID walk her down the aisle! He managed to get an hour's pass from the doctors to do that bit before he had to return to the hospital! The poor man looked so pale! But how wonderful that he was able to be there for his daughter! I don't know who walked whom though!
I managed to catch a picture of Leana hand-in-hand with her new husband and the other hand raised in praise to her Father. And it is a breathtaking photo. Not because I am an awesome photographer, because clearly I am not, but because of the meaning the picture holds. Shouldn't all marriages be conducted in this fashion? Shouldn't I myself be living like this? One hand together with my Hunny as One, and the other open and ready for God to lead. I pray that this is how Leana & Mike see their marriage as well What a witness at a wedding!
MR. & MRS.!!!!!!!
I was dateless for my first time at the Reception and I must say that it sucks! I am not confident enough to be single at a wedding when I normally have a companion! I didn't like the feeling of not having anyone to talk to or dance with (not that Hunny would normally dance anyways, but that's not the point!) since Julie and Andy were busy at the Head Table or chatting with others or too much into themselves! LOL But aren't they a gorgeous couple? Don't you just love them like I do?
Here Jundy (like that? I smushed their names together, teehee!) are dancing to their very own wedding song "Amaze"! It'll be 8 years for them this May!

Absolutely Beautiful….even though she had troubles with the dress fitting properly. I think my sister is STUNNING. Here is a none-too-stunning picture of the two of us….more like STUNNED! LOL Granted, it was also nearing midnight and we were tired but had somehow ended up volunteering to stay and help clean up!
I love my sister. Even when she makes me look like a Gnome beside her!!!! I don't know where my makeup went or what happened to my hair… lol
What a day!
Here I am Humbled by your Majesty
Covered by your grace so free
Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man
covered by the blood of the lamb
now I've found
the greatest love of all is mine
since you laid down your life
the greatest sacrifice
Majesty, majesty
your grace has found me just as I am
empty handed but alive in your hands
majesty, majesty
forever I am changed by your love
in the presence of your majesty
here I am, humbled by the love that you give
forgiven so that I can forgive
here I stand, knowing that I'm your desire
sanctified by glory and fire
now I've found
the greatest love of all is mine
since you laid down your life
the greatest sacrifice
Thursday, April 23, 2009
All was fine the day earlier: the kids played in their "toy room" and nothing was out of the ordinary. Hours later and the room has become home to a new "family"…. of itty bitty SPIDERS!!!!!!!!
yeah, I'm {{{shudder}}}ing just remembering. Ewwww! I don't like spiders. Okay, let me rephrase that: I don't like MOST, almost ALL, spiders. I can handle the Daddy Long Legs for some reason. And if they're small. What I CAN NOT HANDLE are every other kind. Especially when they are in the multiples. So while these were "just babies" (supposedly innocent), there were MANY of them. So they must go. Now.

Do you see them there? All nestled in the back of Bryn's truck? Doesn't it just give you the {{{Heebie Jeebies}}}???? Seriously! Excuse me while I jump up and do a strange dance. No reason why. I apparently need to stretch.

You can't quite tell from the picture, but the web actually spreads from across the truck to the empty diaper box (the kids have to save those for imaginary play!) and across the large plastic container and turning back to the truck in a nice triangular shape. Very creepy. However, despite the creepiness, I managed to hold my horror inside and let the curious nature get to me as I got down close to inspect these evil creatures. (which just freaked out Kai on my behalf! how cute!) They were tiny, many sleeping, some moving along the web. If you were to only watch one they weren't so troublesome, it was the large group of them that I just couldn't sit well with. They. Must. Go.
And go they did. I took out my trusty vacuum cleaner (ok, so I took out Jenny's since mine SUCKS so much that it won't anymore and she hasn't claimed hers back yet….) and sent those babies on their way!!!! NO chance for them!!! Muah-hahaha (that's my evil laugh! can't you just hear it echoing while lightning flashes in the background?) Of course, I wanted to make sure they couldn't escape from the confines of the vacuum bag, so I vacuumed up some more (not that the carpet needed it, oh no, that would be unusual for me!) hoping for some added weight.
Then all was good. No more baby spiders. No more mess. The room was safe again. We were free. Yahoo.
But I did wonder whatever happened to the Mother…..
yeah, I'm {{{shudder}}}ing just remembering. Ewwww! I don't like spiders. Okay, let me rephrase that: I don't like MOST, almost ALL, spiders. I can handle the Daddy Long Legs for some reason. And if they're small. What I CAN NOT HANDLE are every other kind. Especially when they are in the multiples. So while these were "just babies" (supposedly innocent), there were MANY of them. So they must go. Now.
Do you see them there? All nestled in the back of Bryn's truck? Doesn't it just give you the {{{Heebie Jeebies}}}???? Seriously! Excuse me while I jump up and do a strange dance. No reason why. I apparently need to stretch.
You can't quite tell from the picture, but the web actually spreads from across the truck to the empty diaper box (the kids have to save those for imaginary play!) and across the large plastic container and turning back to the truck in a nice triangular shape. Very creepy. However, despite the creepiness, I managed to hold my horror inside and let the curious nature get to me as I got down close to inspect these evil creatures. (which just freaked out Kai on my behalf! how cute!) They were tiny, many sleeping, some moving along the web. If you were to only watch one they weren't so troublesome, it was the large group of them that I just couldn't sit well with. They. Must. Go.
And go they did. I took out my trusty vacuum cleaner (ok, so I took out Jenny's since mine SUCKS so much that it won't anymore and she hasn't claimed hers back yet….) and sent those babies on their way!!!! NO chance for them!!! Muah-hahaha (that's my evil laugh! can't you just hear it echoing while lightning flashes in the background?) Of course, I wanted to make sure they couldn't escape from the confines of the vacuum bag, so I vacuumed up some more (not that the carpet needed it, oh no, that would be unusual for me!) hoping for some added weight.
Then all was good. No more baby spiders. No more mess. The room was safe again. We were free. Yahoo.
But I did wonder whatever happened to the Mother…..
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I"m sure you've all seen this, but in case you've been living under a rock, here it it!!!
I love that Lindsay Lohan is having fun at her expense, creating a spoof of an eHarmony profile ("she's newly single and ready to mingle!") and all her drama! funny stuff! She's still cute, IMHO!
I love that Lindsay Lohan is having fun at her expense, creating a spoof of an eHarmony profile ("she's newly single and ready to mingle!") and all her drama! funny stuff! She's still cute, IMHO!
Posted by
1:13 PM
e-mails to pass along,
things that make me LOL
Here is an Easter story that suits the season!
They live on a ranch in Durango,CO. and have 900 baby chicks. Every
year, for Easter, they inject the eggs with food coloring, and when they
hatch, they are brilliant with color. She uses, pink, purple, orange,
green, pink, red, turquoise etc? They aren't hurt by the process, and
as they grow, they return to their normal colors. I've never seen
anything so darn cute in my life. Wouldn't you just love to grab a
handful of these little puff balls?
They live on a ranch in Durango,CO. and have 900 baby chicks. Every
year, for Easter, they inject the eggs with food coloring, and when they
hatch, they are brilliant with color. She uses, pink, purple, orange,
green, pink, red, turquoise etc? They aren't hurt by the process, and
as they grow, they return to their normal colors. I've never seen
anything so darn cute in my life. Wouldn't you just love to grab a
handful of these little puff balls?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I haven't fallen off the face of the earth….just been bogged down by STUFF. My mind doesn't want to settle long enough to write, which is very frustrating because I have a lot to talk about! I went to Ontario for my BFF's wedding at the beginning of the month, for one! Then there's Easter, and our house falling apart on Good Friday…
all in good time, my faithful friends.
For now I want to give a "Shout Out" to my dear friend Jenny on her BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Happy day, doll! I hope it was a special one for you. Your friendship means a lot to me.
PS> thanks for those who have been praying for Stellan with me. He is doing better. Still has bouts with SVT, but for the most part, his oral meds seem to be helping. God has not chosen to heal him completely at this time, but he is stable and getting better we are thankful for His hand on the babe. Keep checking out MckMama for updates.
all in good time, my faithful friends.
For now I want to give a "Shout Out" to my dear friend Jenny on her BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Happy day, doll! I hope it was a special one for you. Your friendship means a lot to me.
PS> thanks for those who have been praying for Stellan with me. He is doing better. Still has bouts with SVT, but for the most part, his oral meds seem to be helping. God has not chosen to heal him completely at this time, but he is stable and getting better we are thankful for His hand on the babe. Keep checking out MckMama for updates.
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