The other day we got a letter addressed to Kai, which was a bit strange. There was no postmark address on it and was in a manilla envelope. Very curious. Now, I know that opening up someone else's mail is an offense that could land me in jail, but I felt that I would be allowed to open up my 3-year old son's surprise mail. In it was a certificate saying that he had won Honorable Mention in a colouring contest that Blockbuster held a while back, and a $5 gift card to the store! THAT was a surprise!
Months ago, I can't even remember when, Auntie Jenn brought up some pictures of Shrek for the kids to colour so she could enter them into a colouring contest. We all soon forgot about it. Now I'm wishing I had taken a photo of their finished pictures b/c I'm sure that Kai only used one colour and didn't even have a method, just scribbled over the whole sheet!!! In fact, Jenn was telling me that she sent in the picture with a note saying she knew Kai was too young to enter the contest but she couldn't NOT include his with his sister's!!!! LOL So he wasn't even supposed to be IN the contest!!! Too cute!
Honorable Mention! Way to go, buddy!
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