Yesterday I got to pack up the kids in the rain and drive over in rush hour to Abi's school just to get her class listing. What fun! I only had to slam my breaks once, screeching my tires! But it was all worth it because the two boys slept! :) But next time, I'll just check online. (roll eyes) After all my hard work (and believe me, it was hard work!), I come home and my dear husband informs me who Abi's teacher is!!!!!! >:( I wasn't impressed! (he checked online, which I didn't know you could do! grr!)
Abi is in grade 1J, with Mrs. Jobs as her teacher. Rumour is that she's a good one too, so that's nice to know. The only sad part is that she isn't in a class with her friends!!! I was so upset about that! Not only did we find out a few weeks ago that her best friend, Megan, is being transferred to a new school, but now her other best friend, Katie, is in another class! Now, there are two other girls from her kindergarten class with her (Tia and Robin) and she played with them and likes them (I'm proud of my girl, she's a friend to everyone) but still…. *sigh* I felt like crying on the drive home!
It's funny how *I'm* more sensitive to this than Abi is!!! She didn't even notice who wasn't in her class…but I also did my best to point out the positives. I KNOW that she will have a wonderful year and that she will make new friends, I was just a bit sad for her. You always want the Best for your child, and you certainly want to sheild them from the pains you had, so my Mothering Bear Claws were sharpening!
Just two 1/2 more days until school begins!!! I'm so excited! Not because I want to have my children gone (although that's nice too, lol) but because I just love the back-to-school newness. New teachers. New classroom. New friends. New books. New clothes…. It's a love and joy my Mom passed on to me and I'm sure to pass on to my children. (or Abi at least!)
Have a wonderful Labour Day weekend!
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