Never thought I'd actually say this but PHEW!!! My AF arrived today!!! (I actually can't believe I'm posting this on my blog either, come to think of it!) It was only a week half past due, so you can imagine my concern! I spent a lot of time this past week in prayer asking for guidance, patience, trust and peace about His Will. I even took a pee test…which came out negative two days ago. But of course, I never trust tests when they're negative…what if you tested too early? LOL
Thankfully it is not a part of God's Plan to add another baby to this family while my other baby is still a baby! I couldn't imagine dealing with a troubled pregnancy along with a baby, toddler, kindergartener and grade 2'er!!! Add that onto my depression and ups and downs…. Yikes! This baby and Rhys would just be a year apart! EEK!!! However, I will admit to the fact that the idea did make me happy amidst the scare! What if this was My other Girl????
Thank-you, Father, for watching over this little family and for knowing what's Best and for placing us exactly where you want us to be. If we do have another baby (and, I'll be honest, I'd love the idea. I love little babies!) I will trust He will watch over me then just the same. Maybe we won't have any more. All I know is that I am still on my Birth Control pills!!!!!
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