I just want to point you in the general direction of Lindsey Ferrier's blog,
Suburban Turmoil. Not only is she funny, but she is honest. Gotta like that. Especially check out
this entry. It really made me think.
I admit to thinking I need "me time"…and I'm not gonna lie, but I *DO* need it. I get stressed out. And I fret. And I get grumpy. But mostly I get selfish. I Demand my "me time". I feel I "deserve" it. And by all means, I do. But at what extent? This week, God has opened my eyes (yet again) to my selfishness and my necessity of "me time" and how I spend it and how often. And so I'm spending this week in wonder and prayer. Please pray that I may be able to diferenciate between "need" and "want" and that I will be able to balance everything properly.
How do YOU feel about Me Time as a Mom? (or Dad) How do you feel about what Lindsay wrote? Let me know!
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