Monday, October 26, 2009
Posted by
1:56 AM
because I care,
who I'm listening to right now
When I first heard that David Crowder*Band was coming in concert, I knew that I HAD to go! Time passed, and the ads started on the radio and it just made me wish longer. After all, they claimed that it was a concert that I "could not miss!" But then it was a week before, and still no tickets. I was starting to resign myself to the fact that I was not going, and I even convinced myself that was okay.
Until my parents saved the day!!! As an early birthday gift, they bought me two tickets to the concert!!! (as an added bonus, they picked up his latest cd, Church Music, at an awesome deal as well) Now just to figure out who to take with me! ....h'mm...who?...uhm....who listens to him?....and I couldn't think of anyone who would enjoy it as much as me! Now, don't get me wrong, you don't have to like him as much as I do, but I want to enjoy the evening with someone who can share my excitement and enthousiasm. You know? You don't invite the halfhearted-hockey fan to the Canucks game with you, but take the energetic friend! The one who is loud and loves being there! Am I right? Can I get an Amen? (teehee)
So I went with the first person to pipe up their immediate interest: Abi!
Yep, I packed up my dear lovely 7 1/2 year old daughter and we took off on a Sunday night to a concert that is typically aimed at the College/Career age group. (is that age group even called that anymore? It was when I was that age group. *ahem* I know that at my church we've opted for the boring 'post secondary group'. Yeah, b/c that sounds like fun! but then again, I guess College/Career doesn't really evoke excitement either, does it? Not like Young People's group or Youth Group did!)
The tickets said the concert was at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly, so I dutifully checked on Google maps for directions and made sure I memorized them (I so suck at directions, I'm the perfect candidate for a GPS system, yet I don't have one. My sister, who is just great with directions, has one. but then she goes places, and I don't. but I digress.) All was good. All was fine. I left early, like Hunny suggested. (he likes being UBER early to things, I like being ON TIME...not early, not late...just when it says to be there!) and it was a good thing too....
When we found the church, after a few detours (google maps doesn't tell you when there is road construction and the main road you need is closed), and were celebrating the fact we were a whole half hour early! The fact that the parking lot was only 1/8th full made me wonder though... We head to the door and see a handy-dandy handmade sign informing us that the concert had to be moved to a new location. *smacking forehead* The ads on the radio stated that too, but I just assumed that since the tickets were only just recently purchased, that it was corrected on it. Oh great! I see the new venue (7 Oaks Alliance) is, thankfully, on the same road. But which direction? A nice young guy (college/career age, I'd say) was in the parking lot gave us easy directions though, so we were back in the game!
With maybe 15 minutes to spare (after all, the ticket says it starts at 7pm) we make our way with the groups of other stragglers across the 4-lane traffic, after having to park at the mall across the street as the church parking lot is full already. We did quick looking around the foyer, entered a contest to win tickets to the Winter WonderSlam concert with Toby Mac, met the morning djs that host at our fave radio station Praise 106.5FM, and then decide to find a seat. Up and down the aisles, starting at the balcony, from one side to the other, all the way down in the mezzanine, searching. *sigh* Shoulda come earlier!
We had to settle for a standing position on the balcony, with using the pew up against the way back wall when we were tired. That was okay. I was feeling pumped and didn't think I'd sit much anyways!
In the end, our "seats" were perfect for us. Yes, Abi said that her feet were sore after a while, and sitting on the floor at the top of the balcony stairs weren't comfortable for her bony bottom, but in the end it worked out. Let me just tell you how it all went down...
DC*B had two bands open for them: Seabird and Danyew. We listened to Seabird (where I was reminded just how loud concerts's been many many years since I last attended a concert, now being older than the college/career age!) and I really liked them! But then we had to make a trip to the bathroom and buy some hot chocolate for the lil miss (where I picked up lotsa water for me). But I got to shake the lead singer's hand, buy his cd...then we popped back upstairs (didn't want our standing position to be taken...there were still a lot of people coming in. Why they sold that many tickets, I don't know, since there weren't enough seats, but maybe it was just my perception of it. After all, they can't OVER sell seats as it's a safety hazard, right?) Danyew turned out to be Awesome, and I found I liked him better than the first, and so I was kicking myself for not waiting to buy a cd! (they only had DC*B's latest cd, otherwise I would've spent my money on him, lol! I unfortunately didn't have enough for a fun pink unicorn DC*B t-shirt)
Now, to state the obvious: David Crowder*Band was AWESOME!!!!
They opened up with Veil, a song I LOVE from the new cd. This disc is more electronica than the do I know that, seeing as I don't own any other cds, you ask? Because that's what music reviewers are saying! And I'd have to agree. I love the sound! The electronic beats, the music, the's a cd that I can, and do, listen to on a daily basis. (It reminds me of Jars of Clay's first cd, which I LOVED....I was so excited that there was a band finally that had a mix of all my favourites: meaningful lyrics, the dance beat,some orchestra AND choir! Be still my heart!...but then they went back to any other group. *sigh* So to hear DC*B's album makes me go all melty inside again)
Their second song, David began by getting us to repeat after him:
Then he had to state that he wasn't interested in our singing qualities or even if it sounded good. He just wanted it loud! So we tried it again MUCH louder! What fun! And he started his song "No One Like You." David and the other members (Mark, Hogan, Jack, B-Wack and Mike D) were so much fun; and very funny! I had such a good time, and there was a grin plastered on my face most of the night. I told you about our wonderful standing-only "seats" and all that business, but I failed to mention just how great they actually were! We had a great view of the stage without seeing from above (and getting dizzy!) or just their heads, or missing out on seeing all the members from a seat below. I so wished that I had my camera! But I just didn't bother bringing it, not because I forgot it, but b/c I knew it would just disappoint. I've dropped it one-too-many times, so it's being held together with duct tape (so not cool) and the zoom is practically nil, unless you want an over-pixelated picture. So...I am using pictures taken from my Favourite Radio Station. (*uhm* I hope I don't get into trouble with this.)
Mark actually took a similar picture, which you can see on their site. (it's currently at the #14 position under the Photos section from their tour! just scroll across it with your mouse and it will be titled "Abbotsford!!!" Of course, neither I nor my lovely daughter are in it, as we were way up in the balcony standing, but we've gone over that already!)

I was SOOOO excited about this song. How He Loves. If you click on the link on the right under My Fave Videos, I have already loved this song since the first time I heard it performed by Jesus Culture. So imagine my happiness when I heard that DC*B recorded it. They ended up performing it the third song, and I admit, I would've liked to hear it further into the concert, but we can't have everything we want, can we? The song was beautiful despite! And, as you can see, during his concert, there are two large screen to either side of the stage which has the song lyrics printed on them. Isn't that a great idea? That way, you can sing along even if you don't know it! I appreciated that.
I was surprised to hear that DC*B are from Texas. For some reason, I thought they were from California! I also learned afterwards, that this was their FIRST stop in Canada...and their only Canadian stop during their Church Music tour. (Woot! Woot! for us, but that sucks for the rest of Canada) To show us some of their Roots, they brought out banjos and sang "I saw the light", going straight into "I'll fly away." (It's funny how I recognize this song in this way also! What's funnier is that everyone knows the main part, "PRAISE THE LORD, I saw the light!" That is when it gets loud, as everyone can always remember to sing that line! I was glad he posted the lyrics on the screens, personally!)) I found out that this is a common mid-way concert gem, and have a YouTube video to show you just how much fun it is! (this was taken at a book signing. how fun would that be?)
I was surprised by how many songs the band actually did in their 1 1/2 hr set. I didn't write them down until I was listening to them again at home afterwards, plus checking online at their message boards. They did a lot from their new cd, which makes sense, but I was impressed! Here is the basic playset: (0nly partially in order)
No One Like You
Church Music (Dance) ~David said this was his fave song! it has a FUNKY disco vibe
How He Loves
Eastern Hymn (LOVE IT!)
Glory of it All
Here is our King
Everything Glorious
Foreverandever etc
You Are my Joy
Oh Happiness (LOVE LOVE LOVE this new one! can't wait for radio play of it)
I saw/I'll fly
Alleluia Sing
O Praise Him
God Almighty, None Compares
By about halfway through the concert, Abi was starting to really complain about her sore feet, and she was becoming tired. For a bit, I had her on my back, but it's hard to dance, bounce, jump, sing, raise your hands and praise with a child clinging to your back, trying not to fall off, but not willing to put an effort out! Eventually, I just suggested that she lay down on the pew in the back (a few feet from me, so not so "in the back" as it sounds!) She wouldn't be able to see the concert, but she could rest and listen. I was happy she agreed b/c...well, she needed to lay down and *cough*cough* I was free to enjoy the concert more freely myself! It turns out that it was such a blessing to NOT have a seat complete with seatmate beside us: Abi could lay down and I could dance away without a care! And dance I did!
David did one of my first favourites of his: YOU ARE MY JOY. (Yes, I named my blog after his song!) I was just getting into it, when the band suddenly stops to monologue!!! I wasn't too happy about it, even though he was funny; I was totally into the groove and lovin' the song! But he came back to it. He just wanted to let us know that they were doing a bit of "rock opera" meaning the songs were going to be a bit longer than usual!!! (think Meatloaf!) I'm not too sure which the second song was, but I want to say "God Almighty, None Compares"
Here is a video of it being performed live, hoping that you'll get the feeling of it, and just how great it was.
And He set me on fire, and I am burning alive.
With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And he set me on fire and I am burning alive.
With his breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And I cannot hold it in
Remain composed.
Love's taken over me
So I propose the letting myself go.
I am letting myself go.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
And He set me on fire, and I am burning alive.
With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And He set me on fire, and I am burning alive.
With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And I cannot hold it in and remain composed.
Love's taken over me and so I propose the letting myself go.
I am letting myself go.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
I need to catch my breath, I need to.
I need to catch my breath, give me a moment now.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
I'm laughing so hard
And I'm laughing so hard
And I'm laughing so hard
I chose this as my blog theme b/c I want to be reminded on how HE makes me feel, and how I need to be more focused on that. There is so much that can bring me down, but when I'm renewed, this song still rings true. HE is my joy. He is who gives me joy. His blessings are what bring joy into my life.
This concert was so amazing for me. Not just the electronica or the Fun nature of these men or the heartfelt lyrics but b/c it brought me to a place where I could FREELY be ME. I was able to take off my boots and could swing my arms around and I could belt out the words and I could laugh and I could weep. And it was facilitated by a band who grew out of a desire for other Bible School students to worship the Father they were learning about; to develop into a deeper relationship, not just talk about it; to create music that touched a generation of young people who hadn't had that happen before. I didn't care about others (although I was aware of them, out of respect) I was just there to praise Him! So when I talk about what an AWESOME concert it was, and those are the only words I can say, and I struggle to explain further, it's b/c this is something that can't be described. It was MORE than just a fun time with great beats and singable lyrics. It was more than just a display of great music (b/c these men are TALENTED with their many instruments and digital sound, plus their robot member "steve"!) It was something more. Something I needed.
I had to wake up Abi in the end and I carried her to the van, and we drove back home in silence. (her sleeping, and me trying to relive the concert feeling) I wish it didn't end. I wish I could've taped it and watched it over and over again. (it's funny what an electronic age we live in when all I see amungst the crowd are blue screens! I'm hoping someone will post something on YouTube from this concert, but haven't seen anything yet! When/if they do, I'll post it here too!)
They ended the concert with the song, Rescue is coming.
I have no words for that one either. You'll have to watch the video I found on it. Watch it a few times actually. This one makes my heart palpitate a good way!
Until my parents saved the day!!! As an early birthday gift, they bought me two tickets to the concert!!! (as an added bonus, they picked up his latest cd, Church Music, at an awesome deal as well) Now just to figure out who to take with me! ....h'mm...who?...uhm....who listens to him?....and I couldn't think of anyone who would enjoy it as much as me! Now, don't get me wrong, you don't have to like him as much as I do, but I want to enjoy the evening with someone who can share my excitement and enthousiasm. You know? You don't invite the halfhearted-hockey fan to the Canucks game with you, but take the energetic friend! The one who is loud and loves being there! Am I right? Can I get an Amen? (teehee)
So I went with the first person to pipe up their immediate interest: Abi!
Yep, I packed up my dear lovely 7 1/2 year old daughter and we took off on a Sunday night to a concert that is typically aimed at the College/Career age group. (is that age group even called that anymore? It was when I was that age group. *ahem* I know that at my church we've opted for the boring 'post secondary group'. Yeah, b/c that sounds like fun! but then again, I guess College/Career doesn't really evoke excitement either, does it? Not like Young People's group or Youth Group did!)
The tickets said the concert was at Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly, so I dutifully checked on Google maps for directions and made sure I memorized them (I so suck at directions, I'm the perfect candidate for a GPS system, yet I don't have one. My sister, who is just great with directions, has one. but then she goes places, and I don't. but I digress.) All was good. All was fine. I left early, like Hunny suggested. (he likes being UBER early to things, I like being ON TIME...not early, not late...just when it says to be there!) and it was a good thing too....
When we found the church, after a few detours (google maps doesn't tell you when there is road construction and the main road you need is closed), and were celebrating the fact we were a whole half hour early! The fact that the parking lot was only 1/8th full made me wonder though... We head to the door and see a handy-dandy handmade sign informing us that the concert had to be moved to a new location. *smacking forehead* The ads on the radio stated that too, but I just assumed that since the tickets were only just recently purchased, that it was corrected on it. Oh great! I see the new venue (7 Oaks Alliance) is, thankfully, on the same road. But which direction? A nice young guy (college/career age, I'd say) was in the parking lot gave us easy directions though, so we were back in the game!
With maybe 15 minutes to spare (after all, the ticket says it starts at 7pm) we make our way with the groups of other stragglers across the 4-lane traffic, after having to park at the mall across the street as the church parking lot is full already. We did quick looking around the foyer, entered a contest to win tickets to the Winter WonderSlam concert with Toby Mac, met the morning djs that host at our fave radio station Praise 106.5FM, and then decide to find a seat. Up and down the aisles, starting at the balcony, from one side to the other, all the way down in the mezzanine, searching. *sigh* Shoulda come earlier!
We had to settle for a standing position on the balcony, with using the pew up against the way back wall when we were tired. That was okay. I was feeling pumped and didn't think I'd sit much anyways!
In the end, our "seats" were perfect for us. Yes, Abi said that her feet were sore after a while, and sitting on the floor at the top of the balcony stairs weren't comfortable for her bony bottom, but in the end it worked out. Let me just tell you how it all went down...
DC*B had two bands open for them: Seabird and Danyew. We listened to Seabird (where I was reminded just how loud concerts's been many many years since I last attended a concert, now being older than the college/career age!) and I really liked them! But then we had to make a trip to the bathroom and buy some hot chocolate for the lil miss (where I picked up lotsa water for me). But I got to shake the lead singer's hand, buy his cd...then we popped back upstairs (didn't want our standing position to be taken...there were still a lot of people coming in. Why they sold that many tickets, I don't know, since there weren't enough seats, but maybe it was just my perception of it. After all, they can't OVER sell seats as it's a safety hazard, right?) Danyew turned out to be Awesome, and I found I liked him better than the first, and so I was kicking myself for not waiting to buy a cd! (they only had DC*B's latest cd, otherwise I would've spent my money on him, lol! I unfortunately didn't have enough for a fun pink unicorn DC*B t-shirt)
Now, to state the obvious: David Crowder*Band was AWESOME!!!!
They opened up with Veil, a song I LOVE from the new cd. This disc is more electronica than the do I know that, seeing as I don't own any other cds, you ask? Because that's what music reviewers are saying! And I'd have to agree. I love the sound! The electronic beats, the music, the's a cd that I can, and do, listen to on a daily basis. (It reminds me of Jars of Clay's first cd, which I LOVED....I was so excited that there was a band finally that had a mix of all my favourites: meaningful lyrics, the dance beat,some orchestra AND choir! Be still my heart!...but then they went back to any other group. *sigh* So to hear DC*B's album makes me go all melty inside again)
Their second song, David began by getting us to repeat after him:
How could you be so good to me?
Then he had to state that he wasn't interested in our singing qualities or even if it sounded good. He just wanted it loud! So we tried it again MUCH louder! What fun! And he started his song "No One Like You." David and the other members (Mark, Hogan, Jack, B-Wack and Mike D) were so much fun; and very funny! I had such a good time, and there was a grin plastered on my face most of the night. I told you about our wonderful standing-only "seats" and all that business, but I failed to mention just how great they actually were! We had a great view of the stage without seeing from above (and getting dizzy!) or just their heads, or missing out on seeing all the members from a seat below. I so wished that I had my camera! But I just didn't bother bringing it, not because I forgot it, but b/c I knew it would just disappoint. I've dropped it one-too-many times, so it's being held together with duct tape (so not cool) and the zoom is practically nil, unless you want an over-pixelated picture. So...I am using pictures taken from my Favourite Radio Station. (*uhm* I hope I don't get into trouble with this.)
Mark actually took a similar picture, which you can see on their site. (it's currently at the #14 position under the Photos section from their tour! just scroll across it with your mouse and it will be titled "Abbotsford!!!" Of course, neither I nor my lovely daughter are in it, as we were way up in the balcony standing, but we've gone over that already!)

David and his Keytar!!!

I was SOOOO excited about this song. How He Loves. If you click on the link on the right under My Fave Videos, I have already loved this song since the first time I heard it performed by Jesus Culture. So imagine my happiness when I heard that DC*B recorded it. They ended up performing it the third song, and I admit, I would've liked to hear it further into the concert, but we can't have everything we want, can we? The song was beautiful despite! And, as you can see, during his concert, there are two large screen to either side of the stage which has the song lyrics printed on them. Isn't that a great idea? That way, you can sing along even if you don't know it! I appreciated that.
I was surprised to hear that DC*B are from Texas. For some reason, I thought they were from California! I also learned afterwards, that this was their FIRST stop in Canada...and their only Canadian stop during their Church Music tour. (Woot! Woot! for us, but that sucks for the rest of Canada) To show us some of their Roots, they brought out banjos and sang "I saw the light", going straight into "I'll fly away." (It's funny how I recognize this song in this way also! What's funnier is that everyone knows the main part, "PRAISE THE LORD, I saw the light!" That is when it gets loud, as everyone can always remember to sing that line! I was glad he posted the lyrics on the screens, personally!)) I found out that this is a common mid-way concert gem, and have a YouTube video to show you just how much fun it is! (this was taken at a book signing. how fun would that be?)
"it's like Frontierland!" *snarf*
I was surprised by how many songs the band actually did in their 1 1/2 hr set. I didn't write them down until I was listening to them again at home afterwards, plus checking online at their message boards. They did a lot from their new cd, which makes sense, but I was impressed! Here is the basic playset: (0nly partially in order)
No One Like You
Church Music (Dance) ~David said this was his fave song! it has a FUNKY disco vibe
How He Loves
Eastern Hymn (LOVE IT!)
Glory of it All
Here is our King
Everything Glorious
Foreverandever etc
You Are my Joy
Oh Happiness (LOVE LOVE LOVE this new one! can't wait for radio play of it)
I saw/I'll fly
Alleluia Sing
O Praise Him
God Almighty, None Compares
By about halfway through the concert, Abi was starting to really complain about her sore feet, and she was becoming tired. For a bit, I had her on my back, but it's hard to dance, bounce, jump, sing, raise your hands and praise with a child clinging to your back, trying not to fall off, but not willing to put an effort out! Eventually, I just suggested that she lay down on the pew in the back (a few feet from me, so not so "in the back" as it sounds!) She wouldn't be able to see the concert, but she could rest and listen. I was happy she agreed b/c...well, she needed to lay down and *cough*cough* I was free to enjoy the concert more freely myself! It turns out that it was such a blessing to NOT have a seat complete with seatmate beside us: Abi could lay down and I could dance away without a care! And dance I did!
David did one of my first favourites of his: YOU ARE MY JOY. (Yes, I named my blog after his song!) I was just getting into it, when the band suddenly stops to monologue!!! I wasn't too happy about it, even though he was funny; I was totally into the groove and lovin' the song! But he came back to it. He just wanted to let us know that they were doing a bit of "rock opera" meaning the songs were going to be a bit longer than usual!!! (think Meatloaf!) I'm not too sure which the second song was, but I want to say "God Almighty, None Compares"
Here is a video of it being performed live, hoping that you'll get the feeling of it, and just how great it was.
And He set me on fire, and I am burning alive.
With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And he set me on fire and I am burning alive.
With his breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And I cannot hold it in
Remain composed.
Love's taken over me
So I propose the letting myself go.
I am letting myself go.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
And He set me on fire, and I am burning alive.
With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And He set me on fire, and I am burning alive.
With His breath in my lungs I am coming undone.
And I cannot hold it in and remain composed.
Love's taken over me and so I propose the letting myself go.
I am letting myself go.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
I need to catch my breath, I need to.
I need to catch my breath, give me a moment now.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
You are my joy.
I'm laughing so hard
And I'm laughing so hard
And I'm laughing so hard
I chose this as my blog theme b/c I want to be reminded on how HE makes me feel, and how I need to be more focused on that. There is so much that can bring me down, but when I'm renewed, this song still rings true. HE is my joy. He is who gives me joy. His blessings are what bring joy into my life.
This concert was so amazing for me. Not just the electronica or the Fun nature of these men or the heartfelt lyrics but b/c it brought me to a place where I could FREELY be ME. I was able to take off my boots and could swing my arms around and I could belt out the words and I could laugh and I could weep. And it was facilitated by a band who grew out of a desire for other Bible School students to worship the Father they were learning about; to develop into a deeper relationship, not just talk about it; to create music that touched a generation of young people who hadn't had that happen before. I didn't care about others (although I was aware of them, out of respect) I was just there to praise Him! So when I talk about what an AWESOME concert it was, and those are the only words I can say, and I struggle to explain further, it's b/c this is something that can't be described. It was MORE than just a fun time with great beats and singable lyrics. It was more than just a display of great music (b/c these men are TALENTED with their many instruments and digital sound, plus their robot member "steve"!) It was something more. Something I needed.
I had to wake up Abi in the end and I carried her to the van, and we drove back home in silence. (her sleeping, and me trying to relive the concert feeling) I wish it didn't end. I wish I could've taped it and watched it over and over again. (it's funny what an electronic age we live in when all I see amungst the crowd are blue screens! I'm hoping someone will post something on YouTube from this concert, but haven't seen anything yet! When/if they do, I'll post it here too!)
They ended the concert with the song, Rescue is coming.
I have no words for that one either. You'll have to watch the video I found on it. Watch it a few times actually. This one makes my heart palpitate a good way!
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