Well, my little minions are back in school. The Olders have gone for a whole week now and are starting to settle in. (funny how up until this year, only the older two were the "Olders", but now Bryn is included in that group! But I guess it all depends on what the topic is. If it's older-kid stuff, then I wouldn't. So never mind.) It just may be okay in the end.
Last week started out rough. When we saw the class lists on the Friday before Labour Day Weekend, we were very disappointed to see that the boys didn't have any of their friends placed in their classes with them. Now Bryn is easy going enough to make friends anywhere, and he didn't necessarily have any best friends yet, but there were two boys that he played with outside of class, so that was sad. I'm sure he'll make friends just fine this year too though. After all, it was more of me being sad than himself, so that has to stand for something.
Bryn is in Grade Two this year, and I find it so crazy to think of! Grade 1 seems so young, and Grade Two is so much older! I was so excited when I found out that his teacher is an aquaintance of mine; she is so much fun (and has long beautiful red hair that I am jealous of) and I think it's going to be great! She's only there for the first half of the year, though. In the New Year, the usual Gr 2 teacher will return. She's on her months-long honeymoon and living in Holland right now, which is so exciting to hear: that means that it is Kai's old grade two teacher, who I grew to love! (she's strict, but fun also! I think that Bryn will see her fun side more!)
When we found out that Kai and his best friend were separated it wasn't just me, but himself and his best friend, and his BFF's parents (also friends of ours) who were upset. And disappointed. And angry. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever to separate them! And if we were to take the words of their teachers last year, it was totally unexpected; she seemed to think they were such close friends that they completed each other's thoughts! So maybe the school thought it best to separate them to have them grow more independant of each other. But personally, I don't see how that is their problem or job. If their togetherness hindered their schoolwork, it would make sense, but we were never told that it had, so what was the point? Why not wait until they are in Middle School next year to separate them? (when most friendships do get displaced) *sigh*
Needless to say, Kai was a bit sad. Not only was he not with David, his joined-at-the-hip-they-are-practically-twins best friend, but he also wasn't placed with the teacher he wanted. (who happened to teach Abi, and who I adored just because she had such a rough year health-wise and he understood and gave her/us grace) The good news is that David got him...but he also got the two boys that had been bullying the two all of last year. *shaking my head* So in some ways, Kai has it easier, even if his teacher may be a bit stricter. *sigh* Either way, this year is going to have a few bumps.
Kai is in Grade Five this year. He's already looking bigger and starting to act more responsible. Most of the time. Last night not so much, when Hunny caught him on his DS at midnight (as we were going to bed) We were not impressed; he may not have his DS or iPod for a while.
Abi seemed to get out unscathed. I saw that she saw her friend, Morgan, in her class, so phew, maybe it wouldn't be too bad for her, even though her best friend moved to Korea last month. However, on the first day of school, she came to the van looking just as gloomy as Kai. It turns out that it was a different Morgan in her class, not her friend! And just like that, suddenly it looked like it was going to be a rough year for my Olders.
Abi is in Grade 7 this year. I remember grade 7. It was a good year for me. I loved my teacher and it felt good to be the oldest ones in the school! But Abi is in the middle grade of the middle school, so she won't have that feeling, but hopefully she'll like her teacher and she will find it to be a fun year!
The first three days were tough and I didn't know what to suggest for the kids. But eventually, Kai managed to meet up with David and they made arrangements for recess and lunch and they continued to walk to the Middle School (with Bryn) at the end of the day, so that turned out good. Maybe it wouldn't be so terrible after all. But poor Abi was looking more and more miserable. I was beginning to think that I'd rather homeschool her and have her find opportunities there, than to send her to the school and be lonely and isolated. My heart was sad for her. But then, hooray! Morgan found her after school and invited her over and they reconnected and she found out that two of the new girls in her class also know Morgan and so she made two new friends!!!! God is good!!! What a blessing!!!! Suddenly the year was looking better again!!!!
I am entering their second week with praise and thankfulness and prayers for more peace and opportunities for them to grow and find courage.
***the pictures of the Olders look like they were taken at night, don't they? They were taken as we were leaving for school at 7:45am and you can tell by how dark it was which order they were taken in too! I had a hard time getting it to look more brighter out (I am NOT a great photographer in any means!) It wasn't as dark as Bryn's picture seems, but it wasn't bright out either. It was a dark morning, and it started to rain as we were leaving. When we arrived at school it was pouring out! So we were quite soaked when we got them settled into their classes! (Rhys, Eden and I treated ourselves to hot chocolates from Timmy's afterwards!)
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