Welcome back to Thankful Thursday, a feature started by Louise at Talk Nerdy to Me,
where we look back over our week to remember our blessings. It is so
good to see the good things that have happened, especially if you have
had a particularly tough week. Being grateful is good for the soul. Here
are just a few things that I am thankful for...
1. afternoon snuggle naps
Poor Eden came down with a fever this week and ended up having a three hour nap in my lap! I was so surprised! That's the longest she's napped in years! I am thankful that she was back to herself later that night and that the fever didn't spike again and that she was fine the next day. Strange!
{I look so serious, but I was a bit concerned...and I had a lot of things that I needed to do that day but wasn't able to work on since she fell asleep on me! I didn't want to disturb her, since she obviously wasn't doing well, so I had to sit and wait.}
2. Baking
My niece Emma has been visiting this week, which means lots of freash baking! She is training to be a Chef, so she enjoys being in the kitchen. I, however, do not! So I had no problem with her making dinner and goodies!
3. 3N Chapel
Bryn's class led chapel at school this week! They had been learning about Pioneer times and so they did a lot of comparisons for us, such as what it was like to be in school during the Pioneer times, as opposed to now, and even what it's like in a Developing Country. I was sad, and a bit surprised, to think of how today's developing countries (such as where our LCS sister school is located in Gondo, Africa) are even less than life was like in the pioneer times. Rough, dirt floors, poor water, tin roofs, poor sanitation. A lot of children end their schooling by grade three in Africa, which is crazy to think of! I'm not too sure if that is due to cost of school or that these kids are needed at home more (which was often the case in pioneer times: kids were needed on the farm more than their education was considered necessary) We take a lot of things for granted here.
4. Rhys KE Special Helper
Once a month, each child in the kindergarten class gets to be the Special Helper. That means that they get to sit in the special chair at the front of the class, instead of one the floor for circle time. They also get to use the pointer, and get to lead the class line when they go to other rooms (for PE or library, etc) They also get to bring in something special for Show and Tell!
Rhys was so excited and had been asking every day for when "his day" was coming up! We were planning on bringing in his tiny Dwarf Hamsters for show and tell! (we got approval from the teacher before hand) The kids thought that was neat!
It was fun and Rhys loved it!
5. Date Night with B
It's not too often I get to go out with Bryn just on our own one-on-one, so when it came for me to pick up my ring (it was being resized, yay!), I took him along with me. We grabbed some dinner in the mall food court. Nothing fancy, but he loved that I got him sushi. (that's not my fave. I went straight for the pizza!)
We wandered around the mall a bit, and I let him show me all of the things he would like at Toys R Us! I told him I would buy him something small, so he was trying to decide between a Lego Minifig or a Lego Mixel! (the minifig won!)
Abi was invited to a concert by a friend in her Youth Group that I knew that her cousin would love to attend as well, which really is the main reason that Emma travelled all the way from Powell River to us! Manafest was playing in Langley! I dropped off the two girls and it was so strange: the first "real" concert that Abi was going to. She's been to see DC*B and Newsboys with me, when she was younger, but this is her first time on her own! I was thankful it was at a small venue and that she had her cousin with her and her friends!
They had a blast! I guess this is the start to many Youth events for her. Soon I'll be taking her all over for things!
7. Daddy-Daughter Squishy Hugs
I had to capture a photo of my Hunny being squishy hugged by Eden. Sometimes that girl can squeeze tight! It's so cute! It made me happy.
8. Working Hard
I was busy this week preparing and finishing some projects for an upcoming market sale, and feel quite pleased with myself, thank you very much!
9. Timmys Win
Tim Hortons is having their annual Roll Up The Rim contest again and I won a free coffee on the first day! That makes me happy and thankful.
It's the little things, eh?
10. Days that turn right around
I had one day this week that started off on the wrong foot. We were almost late for school, it was wet and miserable, my front yard is water logged, I yelled at the kids, Eden was irritating me and being disobedient, Abi missed school, I feel run down...it was just a cranky terrible morning. After I came home from dropping the boys off at school, I wanted to crash into bed for a nap and start over! Of course, I couldn't do that. Instead, I had to feed Eden, keep her company, work on some long-neglected household tasks (am I the only one who knows how to fold laundry or reload the dishwasher?), get things organized and then head up to Horseshoe Bay to take Cousin Emma to the ferries so that she could go back home. *huge sigh*
I sat on the couch that night, in my quiet house, reflecting on the day and realized just how many good things happened and how in the end, everything turned around! Instead of my day continuing along in a miserable trudge, things got better and I had so much to be thankful for! That we made it to school on time, that Abi was able to get the rest that she needed, that we had safety driving to and from the ferries (an hour trip each way), that I could talk with my Mom and get new ideas from my Hunny, that I could do some painting...I was just amazed at how many blessings I was given!
I am so thankful for this list! It is such an incredible tool in changing your attitudes and thoughts. I was able to number all these good things that had happened despite having a crappy morning! I am so thankful that He watches over me and He blesses me with peace and He is the one that orchestrates my day and that He gives me opportunites to see His blessings better.
So this is my week in a nut shell. What are you thankful for?
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