Our family finally made a trip specifically out to Campbell Valley Regional Park on the weekend. We have driven by it so many times, and I have looked at the interesting pathways and bridges from my passing van window and have wanted to stop, but it just never seemed to work out. We were usually heading elsewhere when we passed by, so imagine my happiness when my Hunny decided to surprise us and take us there for a nice Sunday walk recently!
Campbell Valley Regional Park is made up of 6 different farmland plots and has over 29kms of hiking trails. It also houses Camp McLean, a Scouts camp that my husband grew up attending as a boy. This is also where Lochiel School is located, the old heritage schoolhouse that the grade three kids go to as they study their Pioneers unit. (Bryn went in January) We took our family on a simple trail, I think it was Little River Loop trail, and it took us just about an hour.
The first stop on the trail is the little woodplanked walking trail that covers a lot of the marsh and pond land. I love the way these look! The kids called them "troll bridges"! There were several ducks that a few people were feeding (we found tons of seeds at different sections that others had left for the birds and squirrels) so we watched them too. Ducks do make me happy. Must be the quacking they do!
I am so thankful that my kids enjoy going for nature walks. They aren't very quiet, which frustrates my husband (he'd like them to listen to nature and let him teach them some info on the plants and such!), but they do love to run around and jump over things and explore. I like watching them get their energy out and be silly!
{I love holding hands with this little guy. The other boys didn't want to hold my hand much when they were young, so I love this about Rhys!}
{it was a sweet pose so I had to take a picture of the two sisters. But I do think that Abi is holding Eden back from running too far ahead of us here!}
There were a few Caution: trail flooding signs posted, which got the kids more curious. They had to all make jokes about us going down them and finding ourselves in a lake, or having to explain to others how one of us had drowned while walking. You have to love the silly senses of humor these kids have!
Eden kept lagging behind, so I would slow down my walking too. While I waited for her it looked like she was in her own little world, dancing away down the trail. And, in a way I guess she was. But she was making deliberate steps onto each rock that she saw, which made her look like she was dancing and swaying. It took a lot of concentration and balance!
It was a beautiful day to go for a walk. I was still in a jacket and had my hands in my pockets (and may have wished to have worn a scarf and mittens, but that's just me!), but Miss E thought it was plenty warm and had to make me carry her coat! I am learning not to fight her for everything. This was one of them!
With so much more to see at this park, we will definitely have to go back again!
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