Welcome back to Thankful Thursday, a feature started by Louise at Talk Nerdy to Me,
where we look back over our week and remember our blessings. It is so
good to see all that has happened, especially if you have
had a particularly tough week. Being grateful is good for the soul. Here
are just a few things that I am thankful for...
1. Anniversaries to celebrate
Sixteen years already? Wow.
2. Mutual Cheering
I'm not happy with how our team ended up (It was a very painful ending. I was reminded of why I'm not allowed to watch hockey games at home; I get animated and yell at the tv and try to coach the team from my couch! haha.) But I did enjoy the games, and I liked watching them with the kids.
There's always next year...
3. a great school that the kids enjoy
Our school had their Student-Led Conferences this week and so Rhys and Bryn got to show off their work to me. They were both excited about this opportunity.
{{I look tired here but I wasn't. I'm just not photogenic!}}
I am so thankful that they get to go to this school and that they are growing and learning. I am so thankful that this is an opportunity that we get to have each year. I am thankful for planned nights where we can spend time getting to see what they are learning or how they are doing in school, no matter what their level or marks are. The kids are excited and you get to see them shine more!
4. Blessings in the mail
Is it wrong that I am so thankful that a friend got a surprise in the mail this week and that surprise was that I mailed her a get-well package? She and her kids have been under the weather a lot with various illnesses and they are run down, and so I wanted to send her something fun and good. So I made a get well card and added some tissues, hand sanitizer and some facials for fun. I also included some small Crayola travel packs for her kids. It was relatively easy to put together and didn't cost a heck of a lot. (I got most of the supplies at Dollarama. It was just the time it took to actually get down to the post office to mail it off that took the longest)
I am just so happy that she was surprised and that it made her day. I am so thankful that I could bless another with a simple act. It made me feel good.
5. Crafty Affaire
This past weekend, my Mom and I went to White Rock to check out Crafty Affaire, a Market of local artisans. It was a great afternoon to do that too. I was impressed with how everything looked...the displays were nice and elegant, and there were so many different crafty businesses. It's a Market that we hope to participate in next year (or even in their winter one) as a vendor with Once Again designs.
{{our newest, and most colourful so far: wild & free sign. It's 5x5 and made out of reclaimed fence boards.}}
I am thankful for afternoons out with my Mom, and for talks and for de-stressing. I am thankful that I have such a good relationship with my mom and that we share similar interests. I am so blessed!
6.Thy Word
I am so thankful for my BSF group. We are finishing up the Life of Moses and I have gotten so much more out of it than I was expecting. I am thankful for His Word and that I have been able to study it and learn it more this year.
What a blessing it is to be able to read this book! We live in a country that allows us some freedom in our beliefs, and we take it for granted; there are a lot of countries that don't and many believers risk a lot to grow their relationship with our God.
7. cookies!
Who doesn't like warm cookies from the oven? Yum!
8. My Hunny home
I am so thankful that my Hunny was able to take the day off of work so that I could go on a class field trip with Rhys (little siblings weren't allowed to come due to space). We also had an appointment with the paediatrician immediately after, so that I wasn't able to be at the school to pick up the kids when they got out. I am thankful that he was able to be with Eden and take her out for lunch and to pick up the Olders. I am thankful that he has a good job and could take the time off when needed.
9. my nephews
I got to babysit my nephews again this week. It feels like I haven't seen them in a long time! (especially since I had to cancel last week due to pink eye. Phooey) I love these boys!
{{Micah and Eden stacking blocks}}
10. water power
Kai used the pressure washer to clean out the back of the truck from all of the dirt we filled for the gardens. He really does love that machine and will always volunteer to use it if it comes out! I love that he will work hard at a project.
That's my week in a nutshell. I have so much to be thankful for and I have many more that I didn't mention. What are you thankful for?
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