For the first time in a long time, I actually got to go on a field trip with Bryn and his class! Typically, all of the Olders go on trips that don't accommodate younger siblings, so I miss out. That's the hard part of having other children, so see, sometimes the benefits of being a stay-at-home mom doesn't qualify for school. Next year will open up a few more things, maybe. And then definitely the year after that, when Eden joins school full time! Woohoo! (I'm hoping that there will still be fun school events that I can be a part of then)
The grade three classes were finishing up their unit on pond life, and lucky for us, a family in the school had a farm with a huge pond on it that we could all explore tucked away in Fort Langley. Once I managed to detour around the construction (I sat in non-moving traffic for 10 minutes first, found the road closed and had to turn around. I had missed the part of the announcement that we needed to take a different route while I was toileting a child.), and waited patiently for a long train, the kids and I arrived just fine! The three classes were split up and circled around three different events for the afternoon: a craft project with plastercene, a scavenger hunt/hike around the trails, and searching for life in the pond.
Even Eden got to check things out by borrowing a net and bucket! She was nervous about getting too close to the edge, but was more upset about not being able to catching anything!
I was impressed that Bryn didn't end up all soaked. He and water are magnets that attract eachother! I know to always pack extra clothes for him if we ever end up near anything wet! Or at least a towel! He's a very active and adventurous boy!
{Some boys managed to catch a frog. If you look closely, you may be able to see him in this picture. There were lots of tadpoles and small fish to collect. }
After our excursion at the pond, we all headed over to Williams Park for a BBQ lunch and play at the playground. Hunny volunteered his huge BBQ to do up all of the hotdogs, which made it all go much more smoothly. (it was better than asking parents to bring in individual ones and having to cook up 8 dozen weiners!) It was nice having both of us on this trip! I know that Bryn appreciated it and thought it was cool...even though he spent the whole time running around and climbing on things instead of staying with us!
It was a perfect day to spend outside, exploring God's creation in plants and in a pond, and enjoying the sunshine at a playground!
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