Welcome back to Thankful Thursday, a feature started by Louise at Talk Nerdy to Me,
where we look back over our week and remember our blessings. It is so
good to see all that has happened, especially if you have
had a particularly tough week. Being grateful is good for the soul. Here
are just a few things that I am thankful for...
1. Not fractured
Abi had an incident in PE class where she fumbled a football and it slammed into her index finger. That evening, it was so incredibly swollen she couldn't bend it! We taped it up and told her to be mindful of it and we'd keep an eye on it to make sure it was healing. Then, of course, she went away for the weekend!
When she returned, it was so incredibly bruised, and still very painful, although the swelling had gone down and she had some mobility return. To be on the safe side, I took her to the clinic where the doctor sent her for an xray. The nice thing is that this xray clinic took all of 15 minutes for the pictures, instead of like an 10 hour wait in the ER. The bad news is that it took the clinic 4 days to get the results back on the xrays, whereas it would be the same day news if in the ER.
Good news is that there is no fracture.
The bad news is that there is no fracture. (that means she will still have to do PE again.)
2. Sudden Pro-D Days
The floor in the gymnasium of our high school is being resurfaced (after a leak) and the sealer that they use on it is so powerful that some kids were being sick from the smell. The final sealant went on this past weekend, and since we were told it is 5x stronger than the previous layers, the school decided it would just be safer for all to close the middle/high school. And to keep it fair, they've closed the Elementary/preschool campus as well! Yay another long weekend!
We had some of the boy's friends over, so there was much computer game playing, computer gamer videos to watch and a big Nerf gun war in the drizzly rain!
3. Safe Hallowe'en
We had pouring rain the morning of Hallowe'en, and were told to expect more during the evening, but thankfully it didn't fall and so the kids got to go out trick-or-treating in the neighbourhood for over an hour. We even got a burst of sunshine just at dinner time too, just to confuse us and brighten our day!
Abi wanted a theme dress up and most of the siblings were on board (thankfully so was Grandma Lynn who sewed most of these beautiful costumes!) so we had Peter Pan, Captain Hook, a pirate, Tinkerbell, a Hunter, a Chopper Jr Contestant and a Bandit!
4. Excellent Parent-Teacher Interviews
This week, we had our first ever Parent-Teacher interviews at the high school. That was different. Instead of seeing one teacher at a set time, you need to see like 9 of them and stand in line at an open-house-type evening. I am so thankful that Abi is a good student, a conscientious girl and an easy-going friend. Her teachers had nothing to report other than that and so each interview was only 5 minutes long!
We were at the Elementary school the next night, and the Middle School the week earlier. I am happy to say that those went well also! Our kids are doing well, and I am so thankful that they are in this school! I feel that the teachers they have are such a blessing and a perfect match so far!
5. Vintage Barn Market and coffee meetings
Over the weekend, the Vintage Barn Market was held out at the Heritage Barn in Chilliwack. This market is a big one and I've been waiting to go for a while! After I dropped off Abi at a friend's house, I drove out to see my parents (and snagged some pizza for dinner, yay!) and my Dad and I went to check it out. It was so amazing! We have so many talented people locally! I was impressed.
Afterwards, my Dad and I went out to Timmys to discuss the market and go over business ideas. It's been a quiet year for us, not one that we had thought we'd have, but we've had so many other things come up, and this is normal for a small business. Next year will be exciting!
I am thankful for a fun evening walking around with my Dad. I was laughing as I realized just how much alike we are!
6. pumpkin faces
I felt bad that I didn't get to go to the pumpkin patch with the kids, and I forgot to pick up pumpkins for them as well. But then my parents dropped off two that they weren't going to use, so yay! So thankful for that!
Rhys got one when his class went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch, so he carved one, and Bryn and Eden shared a large one and decided on a face to create. They had fun doing that the morning of Halloween! (I helped Rhys carve his. Normally I don't, but he insisted!)
The last pumpkin Abi carved since Kai wasn't too interested. She printed off some stencils and decided on doing Ariel (the Disney Princess). It turned out so good!
7. Chocolate!
Kai was super excited that they recognized his birthday this month (and all November birthdays to be exact) in the youth group. He was given a card and his fave snack, which is white chocolate!
It had him feeling pretty happy!
8. bday parties
I love it when my kids are invited to birthday parties. Even if it is because the whole class was invited. I love it when they're included.
Rhys had a blast playing at Go Bananas for a classmate's birthday (who he plays with in class as well) this week!
9. Team Effort
I am so thankful for family and friends who helped us out when we had to juggle around rides to preschool and after school after a trip to the hospital. It made things so much easier for us to know that our kids were being taken care of and such a wonderful thing to know we have good people in our lives.
10. No more tonsils
That's it! They're gone! Our appointment came up quicker than expected and Abi had her tonsils removed this week. She's still recovering, but she's doing well. Hopefully this will mean a healthier winter for her this year.
{this is her pre-op, after we'd been up since 5:30am and she was feeling a bit silly sleepy. I love her smile!}
So that's my week in a nutshell. How about you? What are you thankful for? Write up your list and see just what a good week you had after all! :)
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