Eek!! Yes, that's right: I am siiiiiiiick!!! Yeah, totally shocking, I know. (can you just sense the sarcasm?) I"m always sick, and I'm always complaining that I"m tired… I think the two go together! LOL (you think? …more sarcasm, oops, lol)
You know how women always comment that their man is sick and is a bigger baby than their own children? Or they just mention their husband has a cold, and all the women she's talking to roll their eyes in understanding? Well, that's ME! It is the Other way around in my house!!! I"M the one who is the Big Baby while being sick!!! LOL
I was thinking about that recently (I've been on a what-makes-us-different-and unique kick regarding the sexes and how God designed us to be strange creatures to not only intermix, but compliment eachother. Fascinating stuff, I tell ya!) and I was realizing that to be completely honest, Jonathan does SICK well. Oh, he's draggy and frustrating, but I'm finding he's a LOT better than the stereotypical male. He doesn't whine.. much. LOL. ;) I don't have to tell him to take meds anymore, weeee! :) He needs to work on his pace though… he gets draggy and looks like he's been run over…and over.. and over. Not just a sick puppy, but a sick, troubled, pathetic puppy that needs to be rescued by the SPCA!!! LOL But, in all honesty, that doesn't last very long at all in him. He has this inborn urge to get up and force himself to plod on. I find it annoying as much as I find it fascinating, and it makes me jealous a bit. Wish I could just get up and go!!! LOL
Well, I do have to force myself to keep busy, it's true. A mother isn't allowed to be sick, remember? There are families to feed, children to snuggle, noses to wipe, cleaning to do, bodies to clothe, friends to help out.. the list goes on. But MAN, when I get sick…. I'm such a whiner!!! LOL
There. I admitted it. :) Not exactly the freeing feeling I was expecting with confessions, but moving on…
When I'm sick, I want EVERYONE to know. I look downtrodden. I whine. I tell everyone. I complain. I whine some more. WHY??? Why do I make it such a big deal…considering I'm sick with the common cold often? I don't know. My friend has a cute blinkie in her sig line on MWP that says "I'm only a hypochondriac when I'm sick" LOL!!! I may not believe I've got everything out there (but sometimes when I'm worried, I will do random searches on symptoms and such, tsk tsk! lol) but I sure make it look good! LOL
I like the attention. There. Another confession. Wow, this is getting easier! LOL Not shocking though. I mean, who doesn't like the attention??? I want people to feel badly for me. It's not that I want people to drop what they're doing and cater to me. I'm not wanting anyone to come over with baked goods or dinner already made… oh wait, I DO want that, not only when I'm sick though, but all the time, lol! (it's called DELIVERY, lol) But I want people to notice. I want them to say, "oh, Lori, dear, let me help you out. You rest. What can I do to make you more comfortable?" … usually all I want is a good nap (ok, a good 8-hr sleep would be nicer than a cat nap!) and some time to RELAX. Not worry about the kids destroying the house, or what I'm going to make for lunch or dinner, or how dirty the house is.
Growing up, my favourite memories of being sick are when I'd grab my blanket onto the couch and park myself there for the duration of the day. I'd bring all my fave things with me too: paper to write on, lots of pens, a book, a magazine, oh and maybe a movie or two! My Mom would make me NeoCitron and chicky schnoodle soup, and I'd be set for the day! It's not that I needed conversation or someone to cater to me (although my mom feeding me is obviously a bonus on so many levels) I just wanted to be amunst the goings on. I never liked to stay in my room by myself when I was sick, it had to be smack on the couch, lol! I'm still that way!
Funny, I"m almost 30 and I am really wishing I could pack up my pens, paper (for my epic letter writing), books, and blankie, and head over to my mom's house right now!!!! I always know she'll feed me (yum) and I know my house will be fine, and my kids taken care of (it's always more fun at grandma's house, remember?) Makes me wish I weren't an adult anymore!!!! *pout* Strange to think that I"M making these memories now to MY children!!!
So, I"m siiiiiiick. My throat HURTS. It hurts to swollow. :( I've also lost my voice! I had a workshop last night, and I guess my voice isn't used to talking that much in the evening (my fingers are used to typing all evening, typically!) and so as soon as I got to my truck to go home (literally that soon) my voice got scratchy and my throat sore!!!!! My body aches; I've been getting sharp pains in my back all day long. I'm still dizzy (have been for over a week now) but now I have an excuse, lol. I"ve been sneezing occassionally, and coughing. (something I hope doesn't develop stronger as I've got three coughing children that sound terrible!)
I hope I"m better soon. I don't like being sick.
Yet, I like it! ;) Isn't getting sick your body's way of telling you to settle down and rest? I am more than happy to oblige that! :) So…why am I still on the computer? (roll eyes)
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