It's been a strange week. I feel like I've been in such a fog. I can't concentrate, I can't think straight, I can't focus… I'm feeling a bit "out of it". And it's driving me nuts!!! I'm sure I can blame a lot of it on lack of sleep, b/c it's true, but I'm so sick of it! I spend all my day wasting time doing nothing and fighting sleep! And now I can't even concentrate on that! (ok, that sounded silly.. but maybe that's a good example of my nonesense)
ANother reason came to my mind though: I am hypothyroid (I AM or I HAVE? I've never known!!!) and am on Synthroid, a medication I take daily, and will for the rest of my life. This was discovered in May 2005, which was a very horrible, no good, very bad year for me. (ok, maybe it wasn't THAT bad…lol) Maybe it was March… but I digress. I ran out of my little pills and needed to get a refill, but was informed at the pharmacy that the script had run out! WT? Oh no! Of course, I'm feeling pretty crappy b/c I am reminded that I NEED to go get my blood tested again to see if my thryoid has changed any, and I've forgotten to do so for two months now!!! (despite having the requisition form on my fridge to remind me) SHAME!!! *blush* Oh great! I now need to call the dr to get me a quick refill for now until I can get my test done. Except I keep forgetting to. Even if I'm not doing anything at home and I'm not terribly busy, I forget to do things!!! FINALLY I call the drs office, and the receptionist (I love Theresa, she's so nice!) informs me that my script is good all year, they should fill it. I tell her, yes, I thought so, but I went to a new pharmacy so maybe they don't know. We hang up with her telling me that she'll call it in for me. As soon as we hang up, it hits me! WOAH!!! I went to a NEW pharmacy!!!! The one by my house! I didn't go to my typical one!!! RIGHT! That's the one I asked for the refill at!!! (the old one) Oh My Gosh! How silly of me! Case solved! LOL I called Theresa back to let her know I"m an idiot, lol! I can get my meds! EXCEPT…now I AM too busy to get it picked up. I have gone several days now and I can honestly attest that this DOES effect me!!!
I've wondered if it does for a while. I've missed a dose maybe 1 or 2 days AT MOST in a row and to no effect, which made me wonder if it was really even doing anything. (I'm the kind of person who likes to see immediate results, I guess! If I'm going to take a med or make someone else take it, there had better be a good reason for it! If I forget and they're still the same then I start questioning just how important is this stuff anyways???) Well, I can now say that missing this drug over 3 days and I start to notice it! I was going to brush it off, but I think it's more than coincidence that I am aggitated, angry, grouchy, depressed and comfort eating! Synthroid makes me feel more "sane"!!! LOL
So I am happily going back on it tomorrow! YAY! How silly of me.
Since we're on the topic… I have a confession to make. I don't want to confess this b/c I'm afraid of how it will reflect upon me, but I do need to get it out. My oldest son has a heart condition called Asymptomatic Left Ventrical Dysfunction. Don't ask me what the heck that means, but it's a nice big word his cardiologist uses at every appointment! LOL (I LOVE Dr. Hosking though. He is a fascinating man with a stutter, very kind, very smart, and with a stutter! WOW! I find that really neat for some odd reason!) I do know that Kai has an enlarged heart and he is also on medication daily. At the initial diagnosis (March 2005…my bad year, remember? lol) we were told he'd be on it for the rest of his life, but now we may be able to wean him off when he's 5 or 6, but we're not too sure. (asymptomatic LV dyfunction isn't common in children, so there are no studies. It is more common in adult males, which makes it harder for us. We're not too sure about the outcome re: meds or how long he'll be on them or how they will react with him, but the prognosis is good. He is NOT in heart failure…but to be scary, the doctor/nurses/ect like to use that term too, to remind us of the dangers, I guess.) Anyways, I am pretty good at remembering MY medications, but Kai's…. not so much so. Actually, ANYONE'S I pretty much suck at!!! For instance, if Abi is on an antibiotic (say for her ear infection last year) and I need to give her something everyday for 10 days, she'll get it maybe 6 or 7 days. *blush* Well, that goes for everyone. So imagine my Embarrassment when Jonathan discovers that I've been giving Kai medication that expired over a month ago!!!!!!! And in front of friends too!!! I felt like I had been awarded the CRAPPY MOM OF THE YEAR AWARD!!! Wooohoo! I'm *so* pleased to be noticed, thanks for not applauding. *blush* To his credit, when I mentioned it later, Jonathan appologized. He didn't mean to embarrass me, he was just pointing out something he just noticed! I hadn't noticed either! The sad thing is that there shouldn't be any of this medication left to give to him expired! If I had been giving it to him as I"m supposed to there would be no excess. So yeah. a*hem. Then I tried to call in another one of his meds for a refill and they said that one was expired too, so they had to call the cardiologist for approval again. I feel like crawling under a rock now!!!! What is my problem? I know that it doesn't help that Kai shows no visible signs to me that he NEEDS these meds. (he's on three) I know he does though, otherwise the dr wouldn't have prescribed them and we wouldn't be needing to see a specialist, but… *sigh*
I know I'm rambling and I'm exposing myself and I'm likely going to feel so embarrassed in the morning when this is seen by friends, but I just need to "talk". I'm tired but not in bed. I hope this fog lifts soon. *sigh*
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