I had my "BIG" Ultrasound on Feb 15th at a clinic in Langley. I brought my sister with me, who is planning on being there for the birth again; I'm so excited to have her a part of this! I was hoping to find out the gender….even though I know that the sheet they get you to read says they won't tell you, will only write it in the doctor's notes and will only send it to the doctor when I"m 21w along….{ROLL EYES} …but I was so hoping for a sympathetic technician or some kind of clue. Instead I got a MAN!!!!! :( {grumble} Now, granted, I did have a male tech for my dating scan with Bryn, but he was a lot more fun and very Gay! LOL I wanted to go out with him shopping afterwards! LOL THIS man was all business. No facial expressions. No talking. No clue. Nothing.
Julie, Kai and Bryn got to come in and see the baby bean floating around, which was so wonderful. We saw the heart and the spine and the kicking of legs and arms and it is still so magical, no matter how many children you have! When I was watching the screen I had a hard time believing this baby was actually in my tummy! After all, I couldn't FEEL the kicking or anything. It was such a relief actually to see the movement, since I've been a *bit* discouraged at my lack of feeling. I'm sure I'll be feeling kicks big time soon, so I should be happy for these quiet times, but I felt Bryn SO Early, so I was expecting the same. Silly me.
With the way the baby was laying, all we could see was the back, so I asked the tech if HE could tell the gender, to which he said, "I can't tell you." I KNOW That! But can YOU tell? Did HE know? Still, he insists, "I can't tell you." GRR! I just wanted to know if he knew so that my doctor would. I hate the idea of anticipating knowing in a month just to learn that he didn't know either! Grr! I also asked him how the baby was and how the heart looked and such, to which he said, can you guess? "I can't tell you." Oh good grief! He can't even tell me that everything looks fine? Everyone else has told me that before!!! I was slightly annoyed.
BUT…I did get some wonderful pics of the baby! YAY!
And here are two pictures of me in the past month…
at 15w:
at 17w:
you can't quite tell in that picture, but I have "Holy Hormone Hair" lately!!! It's been SO curly!!! I've actually been enjoying it! But I badly need a haircut as I have tons of split ends. I'm still deciding on a style though.
A few days after the Big Ultrasound, when I was out, the maternity clinic called and left a message with Hunny saying they had booked another ultrasound for me next month! Of course, being a man, he didn't ask why! I finally made it down to White Rock for my bloodwork (which should've been done last week. *blush*) and popped into the clinic and asked. Apparently, the guy couldn't get a good enough look at the spine or the heart, or he altogether forgot about them, b/c there was no info on either in the chart. {roll eyes} Also, he said he couldn't see the gender. I'm annoyed! I don't mind having another ultrasound; that hardly bothers me!!! But it bothers me that this guy couldn't tell me that he couldn't see anything and I'd have to rebook the scan??? Would that have been hard??? It's just that I waited a month to find out details, and there are none! *HARUMPH* Oh well. My next scan is at the hospital and in two weeks. I'll be further along, so I'm sure they'll be able to see better.
Oh, and I've decided that it isn't a BIG DEAL anymore to know the gender. Funny, eh? I still can't come up with a boy's name that I LIKE a LOT, but I'm also not freaking out. Funny!!! I've got everything crossed that it's a girl, and am not talking to those who feel otherwise in fear that their negative karma will rub off on me! LOL
Almost everyday, Kai will exclaim to me, "You're having another baby!" Or "I"m so excited we're having another baby!" He's so cute!!! Abi loves the idea too, but really it's Kai who gets giddy and affectionate. I'm wondering when Bryn will understand the idea. I really need to stop calling him "baby"!!!
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