I finally went in to do my bloodwork for the maternity clinic, including the one to check on my thyroid that should've been done maybe two weeks ago. I have hypothyroidism, which I take medication for daily, which also needs to be checked reguarly during pregnancy as it will fluctuate often. So this morning, I got the bloodwork done and out of the way at the hospital lab. I was so pleased with myself for doing that too as I have been REALLY struggling with energy and total and complete utter exhaustion! I was so surprised when the doctor called me at home tonight at 7:30pm! (not my doctor, but the one who worked that day in the clinic) She said that the results of my TSH were in, and normally your levels should be between 1-5. Mine is at 10!!!! My body has been trying so hard to produce enough for me but failing! (Apparently, this is one of those 'opposites' thing, where the numbers are high, which means my thyroid levels are too low!!!) I can't tell you how HAPPY I am to hear that!!!! Now I have a reason, an answer, an excuse as to why I am soooooooo tired!!!! I don't recall feeling this exhausted in such a long time. I can only seriously go a few hours and then I need to lay down for a few more hours, that's how bad it's been. I can not accomplish anything it seems, so it's been really getting me down. I'm so happy that this ISN"T "normal" and that there is a reason and that it can be fixed!!!! (at least, I"m hoping so!!!)
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