So, while I was napping today (being on bedrest sure gets tiring!), there was a phone call for me from the coordinators of this home care group. At the hospital, the nurses mentioned how they were going to sign me up for this thing where they come to my house to check on me and do the tests needed and such, except at the time they didn't have any space for me. Well, I guess they called today to let me know (well, my sister, who answered the phone) that they still don't have room for me, but it looks like I don't really qualify anyways! H'mm… curious. I guess in some ways I don't since the doctor hasn't ordered anymore NSTs, but I thought that was interesting. They asked if I had another ultrasound and if I had any follow-up from the doctor, so Julie told them I see the OB next week, but that was it. According to Their records, my waters haven't even ruptured and I'm not at risk and so I don't need to be seen. Curious. So now I don't know what's going on.
I haven't had any leaking, no contractions. Things have pretty much stayed the same. All tests show baby is good. Does that mean that the OB will take me OFF bed rest next week? Am I "at risk"? I'm pretty sure I'm still HIGH Risk for pre-term labour, but so far doctors haven't been too helpful for me. I'm pretty confused at this whole thing! :{
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