Well, the ultrasound took all of 10 minutes! For some reason I was expecting it to be a long detailed thing, but the technician checked the fluid levels (I was barely full enough, oops!) and all must be fine because she didn't comment on anything and moved on! Next was an internal exam with a trans-vag scan, where she said that my cervix was nice, long and closed, so that answers that! Then I was done!!!
I had my friend visiting, and she offered to watch the boys so that my Hunny could come to the ultrasound with me, but he ended up not even being able to come in and see anything anyways! It was still nice having him there, though. Just in case.
I have been thinking about this whole leaking thing and preparing myself that I may be put on Bed Rest tomorrow…but then I was wondering if I would for sure. What if I'm not? What will the OB do instead? Just tell me to "rest" and "be careful"? In some ways it would be nice to know that there isn't a big concern and I can go about my life as it is (and more convenient!), but since there's a level of paranoia with me, I also think I'd feel better on bed rest! I'm always so two-sided on things, aren't I? Does it annoy anyone else, or just me? :) I have also been thinking about the possiblilty that maybe I'm not leaking as much as I think I am. I know I occasionally leak urine (*blush*) despite practicing my Kegels! But I'm thinking that maybe a lot of my leakage may just be CM. So I've been paying more attention. I've had a few tests on the Ph paper that haven't turned blue, which is good, but confusing. I was also told by a friend on MWP that there are a lot of different things that can make the Ph Litmus paper come out blue and NOT have it be amniotic fluid, but I can't figure out what. So it's got me thinking…
My appointment is tomorrow with the specialist. Pray it doesn't get cancelled and that I get some good answers! I'll update you asap! :)
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