Sunday, August 24, 2008
Well, I can't believe the time has come….
On August 8th, Bryn turned TWO years old. WOW! I started this blog when he was still a baby and we were dealing with his reflux and I found the wonderfully encouraging MWP site. Look at the time! How it's past. The funny thing is that as his birthday approached and I thought about him turning two, I couldn't help but think, 'wow, only two?' It feels like he's been 2 for a while already! He's difinitely into those wonderful "terrible twos" stage…not that he's a bad kid, he's just FULL OF ENERGY!!! I was thinking how wonderful it would be to take some of his energy and bottle it…but then it occurred to me that is probably what Beaver Buzz or Rock Star or those other energy drinks are!!! LOL ;) He's destructive, but I like to think it's because he's curious, not because he thinks it's great to be bad or mean! He's such a charmer too, and will likely get away with a LOT of things just b/c of his smile. *sigh* I love my Little Bug.

Rhys is now 2 months old. It's hard to believe that much time has gone by already. Most of it was such a blur with too much time spent in hospitals, not that he's noticed. I am blessed by him. He's so easy-going too, which is so wonderful. I keep waiting for his first smile, but I have to remind myself that he's still 5 weeks "behind" due to his prematurity. I know he loves me though, I can see it in his eyes. *sigh* I love my Peanut!

Time is going by too fast.
On August 8th, Bryn turned TWO years old. WOW! I started this blog when he was still a baby and we were dealing with his reflux and I found the wonderfully encouraging MWP site. Look at the time! How it's past. The funny thing is that as his birthday approached and I thought about him turning two, I couldn't help but think, 'wow, only two?' It feels like he's been 2 for a while already! He's difinitely into those wonderful "terrible twos" stage…not that he's a bad kid, he's just FULL OF ENERGY!!! I was thinking how wonderful it would be to take some of his energy and bottle it…but then it occurred to me that is probably what Beaver Buzz or Rock Star or those other energy drinks are!!! LOL ;) He's destructive, but I like to think it's because he's curious, not because he thinks it's great to be bad or mean! He's such a charmer too, and will likely get away with a LOT of things just b/c of his smile. *sigh* I love my Little Bug.
Rhys is now 2 months old. It's hard to believe that much time has gone by already. Most of it was such a blur with too much time spent in hospitals, not that he's noticed. I am blessed by him. He's so easy-going too, which is so wonderful. I keep waiting for his first smile, but I have to remind myself that he's still 5 weeks "behind" due to his prematurity. I know he loves me though, I can see it in his eyes. *sigh* I love my Peanut!
Time is going by too fast.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Posted by
10:57 PM
because I care,
bold blogging,
had to share,
I just have to share this story with you. I came across it yesterday under "Weird" on different news pages online. This is such an amazing story!
Dead baby 'comes back to life'
An Israeli baby who was pronounced dead by doctors "came back to life" on Monday after spending hours in a hospital refrigerator.
By Our Foreign Staff Last Updated: 10:58PM BST 18 Aug 2008
The baby, weighing only 600 grams at birth, spent at least five hours inside one of the hospital's morgue refrigerators, before her parents, who had taken her to be buried, began noticing some movement.
"We unwrapped her and felt she was moving. We didn't believe it at first. Then she began holding my mother's hand, and then we saw her open her mouth," said 26-year-old Faiza Magdoub, the baby's mother.
The baby was pronounced dead several hours earlier, after doctors at Western Galilee hospital in northern Israel were forced to abort her mother's pregnancy because of internal bleeding. Mrs Magdoub was in the fifth month of her pregnancy.
"We don't know how to explain this, so when we don't know how to explain things in the medical world we call it a miracle, and this is probably what happened," hospital deputy director Moshe Daniel said.
"We've informed the Health Ministry and I guess they'll appoint a commission of inquiry. The hospital will ask for an external investigation of the case."
The baby has been taken to the hospital's neo-natal intensive care unit for further treatment, but doctors were not sure how long she will live.
Hospital director Dr. Massad Barhoum told Israeli media that her chances of survival are "very, very slim" because she was born so early.
Motti Ravid, a professor of internal medicine, told Israel's Channel 10 that the low temperature inside the cooler had slowed down the baby's metabolism and likely helped her survive.
I find it so incredible to think this baby was intended by the doctor/family to be aborted, and it was technically "dead" after delivery as planned, but came to 'life' later. God is amazing!!! See? He wants us all to live! We all have a planned life, one that He wants to bless. This baby girl is one miracle baby, touched by God! Pray that she will get stronger and continue to surprise the doctors, and that her life will show witness to His love.
Dead baby 'comes back to life'
An Israeli baby who was pronounced dead by doctors "came back to life" on Monday after spending hours in a hospital refrigerator.
By Our Foreign Staff Last Updated: 10:58PM BST 18 Aug 2008
The baby, weighing only 600 grams at birth, spent at least five hours inside one of the hospital's morgue refrigerators, before her parents, who had taken her to be buried, began noticing some movement.
"We unwrapped her and felt she was moving. We didn't believe it at first. Then she began holding my mother's hand, and then we saw her open her mouth," said 26-year-old Faiza Magdoub, the baby's mother.
The baby was pronounced dead several hours earlier, after doctors at Western Galilee hospital in northern Israel were forced to abort her mother's pregnancy because of internal bleeding. Mrs Magdoub was in the fifth month of her pregnancy.
"We don't know how to explain this, so when we don't know how to explain things in the medical world we call it a miracle, and this is probably what happened," hospital deputy director Moshe Daniel said.
"We've informed the Health Ministry and I guess they'll appoint a commission of inquiry. The hospital will ask for an external investigation of the case."
The baby has been taken to the hospital's neo-natal intensive care unit for further treatment, but doctors were not sure how long she will live.
Hospital director Dr. Massad Barhoum told Israeli media that her chances of survival are "very, very slim" because she was born so early.
Motti Ravid, a professor of internal medicine, told Israel's Channel 10 that the low temperature inside the cooler had slowed down the baby's metabolism and likely helped her survive.
I find it so incredible to think this baby was intended by the doctor/family to be aborted, and it was technically "dead" after delivery as planned, but came to 'life' later. God is amazing!!! See? He wants us all to live! We all have a planned life, one that He wants to bless. This baby girl is one miracle baby, touched by God! Pray that she will get stronger and continue to surprise the doctors, and that her life will show witness to His love.
I should be going to bed, but my mind doesn't want to (if that makes sense) so I've been doing some "Blurfing" (which is Blog Surfing) and have seen this on several different sites and thought I'd do it, too. YOu have to fill in the blanks using only one word…doesn't sound easy, says the woman who has to use as many words as possible to explain something!
1. Where is your cell phone? PURSE
2. Where is your significant other? BED
3. Your hair? BROWN
4. Your mother? KIND
5. Your father? ENTERTAINING
6. Your favorite thing? FAMILY
7. Your dream last night? BUSY
8. Your dream/goal? SLEEP
9. The room you're in? MESSY
10. Your hobby? STAMPING
11. Your fear? MANY
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? FARM
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? STRONG
16. One of your wish list items? TRIP
17. Where you grew up? EVERYWHERE
18. The last thing you did? PURGED
19. What are you wearing? CLOTHES
20. Your TV? OFF
21. Your pet? SHEDS
22. Your computer? CONNECTED
24. Your mood? RETROSPECTIVE
25. Missing someone? YES
26. Your car? VAN
27. Something you're not wearing? BRA
28. Favorite store? IKEA
29. Your summer? SAD
30. Love someone? YES
31. Your favorite color? ORANGE
32. When is the last time you laughed? EARLIER
33. Last time you cried? ???
1. Where is your cell phone? PURSE
2. Where is your significant other? BED
3. Your hair? BROWN
4. Your mother? KIND
5. Your father? ENTERTAINING
6. Your favorite thing? FAMILY
7. Your dream last night? BUSY
8. Your dream/goal? SLEEP
9. The room you're in? MESSY
10. Your hobby? STAMPING
11. Your fear? MANY
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? FARM
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? STRONG
16. One of your wish list items? TRIP
17. Where you grew up? EVERYWHERE
18. The last thing you did? PURGED
19. What are you wearing? CLOTHES
20. Your TV? OFF
21. Your pet? SHEDS
22. Your computer? CONNECTED
24. Your mood? RETROSPECTIVE
25. Missing someone? YES
26. Your car? VAN
27. Something you're not wearing? BRA
28. Favorite store? IKEA
29. Your summer? SAD
30. Love someone? YES
31. Your favorite color? ORANGE
32. When is the last time you laughed? EARLIER
33. Last time you cried? ???
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I got distracted tonight. That's not unusual for me, but still… I had to put together my closet since one of the shelves' had fallen down. The kids were playing in my closet (of course) and had managed to push over one of the poles of the organizer, which in turn knocked off the shelf from it's placing, dropping all of my cutesy shoes (you know, the heeled ones that I LOVE but only wear for fancy weddings or work or dating years ago!) and my shirts to the floor. After I replaced it, I decided to take a look into a huge box on the floor to see what was in it! Oh yes! Letters! Lots of them! (I'm a *bit* of a hoarder!)
Oh, what memories! I was proud of myself too because I managed to recycle some of them, the ones that were old, boring or things I was able to release myself from…nothing from my friends who read this, of course not! But the whole thing was interesting. I got warm fuzzies when I re-read some of my love notes to my hunny when we were dating and engaged. Sweet love letters! I told him tonight that "I really loved you back then!" LOL …'as opposed to NOW'??? I meant it in a good way, teehee! I'm keeping those. I'm also keeping the letters from old "loves"…you know, the ones from exs that tell you how much they love you, how wonderful you are, how beautiful you are, how they've realized how stupid they were and now regret losing you…??? Yeah, gotta keep the one from Matt!!! LOL (hey, a girl needs to remember these things) I did manage to get rid of a bunch of letters from an old friend, but not before reading one of them and realizing something about myself!
I came across a box from my old best friend and had plans to get rid of the whole thing just because we ended on the wrong foot (why does that always happen?) and I'm still hurt by it, but as soon as I opened up the box, all these memories came back to me. Bittersweet ones though. Memories of our wonderful 5 year friendship. Oh, she was my Soul Friend, the one who understood me through everything and loved me continuously. But then things changed and we grew apart, and it hurts. I'm not ready to get rid of the box, so away it goes back into the closet. Hopefully one day I'll be able to open it up and read some of the contents and release it from me, but not yet.
I also found some fun stuff… I keep lots of strange things (in case you didn't know that already!) Mostly email jokes! I also came across a bunch od old cards and letters from my own family; mostly from my Mom. I was born to a wonderfully sentimental, kind, caring and loving Mother, who from time-to-time would send her children letters (yes, even when we lived with her still!) and notes of encouragement. I still remember one in particular that she gave me saying that some comments my brother and his friend made were inappropriate and that their view of maturity in a young woman was vastly different than mine, and that I was special and mature, and then she listed how. That still sticks with me. I don't remember what the comment my brother made, I can only guess it had to do with comparing me to some other girl, but I can't recall the reasons behind it, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that I have proof (not that I needed it) of something More important, something more tangible, and that is of my mother's love. I am so pleased that she has passed on importance of kind words and encouragement to me. I hope one day my daughter looks back and sees evidence of my love for her in tangible ways too.
Despite the box full of bittersweet memories, I was able to come back and see what really is important and remind myself of how blessed I am to have my family. I have many fun cards from my sister to make me laugh, letters of how happy she was of her engagement, notes from her in French (which I can't speak or read, but she can!)… It has sparked my desire and interest to connect again via snail mail! Who doesn't like getting mail??? :) All-in-all, it was a nice distraction.
Oh, what memories! I was proud of myself too because I managed to recycle some of them, the ones that were old, boring or things I was able to release myself from…nothing from my friends who read this, of course not! But the whole thing was interesting. I got warm fuzzies when I re-read some of my love notes to my hunny when we were dating and engaged. Sweet love letters! I told him tonight that "I really loved you back then!" LOL …'as opposed to NOW'??? I meant it in a good way, teehee! I'm keeping those. I'm also keeping the letters from old "loves"…you know, the ones from exs that tell you how much they love you, how wonderful you are, how beautiful you are, how they've realized how stupid they were and now regret losing you…??? Yeah, gotta keep the one from Matt!!! LOL (hey, a girl needs to remember these things) I did manage to get rid of a bunch of letters from an old friend, but not before reading one of them and realizing something about myself!
I came across a box from my old best friend and had plans to get rid of the whole thing just because we ended on the wrong foot (why does that always happen?) and I'm still hurt by it, but as soon as I opened up the box, all these memories came back to me. Bittersweet ones though. Memories of our wonderful 5 year friendship. Oh, she was my Soul Friend, the one who understood me through everything and loved me continuously. But then things changed and we grew apart, and it hurts. I'm not ready to get rid of the box, so away it goes back into the closet. Hopefully one day I'll be able to open it up and read some of the contents and release it from me, but not yet.
I also found some fun stuff… I keep lots of strange things (in case you didn't know that already!) Mostly email jokes! I also came across a bunch od old cards and letters from my own family; mostly from my Mom. I was born to a wonderfully sentimental, kind, caring and loving Mother, who from time-to-time would send her children letters (yes, even when we lived with her still!) and notes of encouragement. I still remember one in particular that she gave me saying that some comments my brother and his friend made were inappropriate and that their view of maturity in a young woman was vastly different than mine, and that I was special and mature, and then she listed how. That still sticks with me. I don't remember what the comment my brother made, I can only guess it had to do with comparing me to some other girl, but I can't recall the reasons behind it, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that I have proof (not that I needed it) of something More important, something more tangible, and that is of my mother's love. I am so pleased that she has passed on importance of kind words and encouragement to me. I hope one day my daughter looks back and sees evidence of my love for her in tangible ways too.
Despite the box full of bittersweet memories, I was able to come back and see what really is important and remind myself of how blessed I am to have my family. I have many fun cards from my sister to make me laugh, letters of how happy she was of her engagement, notes from her in French (which I can't speak or read, but she can!)… It has sparked my desire and interest to connect again via snail mail! Who doesn't like getting mail??? :) All-in-all, it was a nice distraction.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Last week, TWO friends of mine got engaged!!! What's up with that? :) I am So giddy and excited for them both! Leana & Mike got engaged on Sun the 3rd and are planning a Spring wedding. My BFF Heather & her man Matthew got engaged Fri the 8th but don't have a date set, but she'd better give me enough time to get packed and money for a ticket back East!!!
I had to make congrats cards for both couples, of course, and I am very happy with how they turned out that I had to make two more similar in style! :) I handwrote "Just heard the news" on the bottoms of the engagement cards.

recipe: (all SU! otherwise noted) Doodle This stamp set, Kraft c/s, Very Vanilla c/s, Garden Green c/s, Rose Red ink, Garden Green ink, Versamark ink, rhinestone brads, white gel pen, scallop punch, ribbon by Making Memories (pink), ribbon by Autumn Leaves (white with pink flowers)

ETA: Heather has confirmed a wedding date of May 2/09!!! GLEE!!! (I hope Leana's wedding isn't near that…I do NOT want to have to pick between them!!! *pout*)
ETA (again): Leana has a wedding date set for March! YIPPIE!!!
I had to make congrats cards for both couples, of course, and I am very happy with how they turned out that I had to make two more similar in style! :) I handwrote "Just heard the news" on the bottoms of the engagement cards.
recipe: (all SU! otherwise noted) Doodle This stamp set, Kraft c/s, Very Vanilla c/s, Garden Green c/s, Rose Red ink, Garden Green ink, Versamark ink, rhinestone brads, white gel pen, scallop punch, ribbon by Making Memories (pink), ribbon by Autumn Leaves (white with pink flowers)

ETA: Heather has confirmed a wedding date of May 2/09!!! GLEE!!! (I hope Leana's wedding isn't near that…I do NOT want to have to pick between them!!! *pout*)
ETA (again): Leana has a wedding date set for March! YIPPIE!!!
The brand new SU! Fall/Winter 2008 Idea Book & Catalogue is out!!! And it is a doozy! Not only is the cover art beautiful, but wow! the contents…! I love this book! But I think I love each new one that comes out even more than the one before! If you don't have this book yet, contact me! I'm serious! You'll be glad you did! Not just for all the stamp sets and accessories or scrapbooking supplies, but just for all the great ideas. You can order this catalogue for $11.95 Cdn or you can get it for FREE!!! …all you have to do to qualify is to book a workshop with me (and there are different types to choose from that will fit your style), sign up for a Stamp Club (which meet monthly for 10 months), or place a one-time order with me for $100.
Isn't she a beauty? *sigh* my heart is all pitter*patter. I'm such a nerd! A paper-crafts junkie!

I love the new look and the colours and…well almost all of it! I'm having fun playing with some of the new stuff I got to purchase before it went live (oh, the joys of being a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator…pre-ordering!) but I want MORE!!!
Dang! This catalogue is going to make me go broke….I thought I was supposed to be MAKING $ doing this, LOL! :) I can't wait to put my first real order in…it'll be a big one! So far, I have invested in some of the new In Colours…so in love with Riding Hood Red, Baja Breeze, Pink Pirouette, and Kiwi Kiss! (Wild Wasabi what??? lol how fickle my heart is for new inks and colours and papers and….)… and some Designer Series Paper and a cutesy stamp set.
Here is my first card to unveil:

recipe: Sock Monkey stamp set, kraft c/s, kiwi kiss c/s, pink pirouette c/s, riding hood red c/s, baja breeze c/s, chocolate chip c/s, bella rose dsp, chocolate chip ink, kiwi kiss ink, so saffron marker, perfect plum marker, versamarker, baja breeze button from button bouquet, round tab punch, scallop punch, 1/2" circl punch, 1 3/8" circle punch, 1 1/4" circle punch, twine, clear emboss powder, staple
Incidentally, this is also the card we will be making for my Stamp Club meeting next week. The technique is Scratch-and-Sniff, and the cupcake has been embossed with a mixture of clear powder and sugar-free drink crystals. The technique actually works too! When I tried it last year, I couldn't get it to smell strong enough; I'm not too sure what I did wrong. But it worked now, and I'm so pleased! The room smells like strawberry juice afterwards!
Interested in what classes I'll be holding? Check out my schedule at my NEW SU! website! I am so excited about this new venture for me and hope that you will find it useful. You can see what classes I am holding, what the new promotions are, and soon you'll be able to order directly from me right off the site! (since calling or emailing isn't always condusive…what if you're online at 1 in the morning, like me right now oops, and don't want to forget to order something? this can come in handy!) Please bookmark my site:
Check it out and let me know what you think!
Also, bookmark August 30th on your calendar for my New Catalogue OPEN HOUSE!!!! I am so happy to finally be able to do this. It will be held in my new stamp room (which is semi-finished!) on Saturday from 1 until 3pm. Come check out the new catalogue for yourself, pick up some great deals (like retired sets, etc), make a fun card using a new set, sign up for a class or two, eat a yummy snack, enter to win a prize, grab some Free stuff…. there is lots of fun to be had!!! I hope to see you there!
While you're there… consider this wonderful company and how you can fit in. I can go on and on about my love for stamping and SU!…. If becoming a demonstrator just as a hobbyist or for a change in career is something you are weighing upon, now is a great time to join our fun family. SU! Is having a promotion on starter kits. The Standard Kit is worth $249 and comes with everything you need to be able to put together 10 workshops…the training, the supplies, etc. But right now, there are 3 Mini starter kits to check out. A Stamp-Focused kit, a Scrapbook-Focused kit, and a Home Decor-Focused kit. Any of these is available for only $119 and the promo runs from Aug 11-Oct 11. Check them out on my website and then call me for more info and your Order Form! You won't regret it! Where else do you get to be creative and get paid for it in a non-stress company???
Speaking of non-stress…. I am SO non-stressed that I could crash right here at my computer for a lil' nappy! I think I need to hop m'self off to bed; morning will come all too soon with 3 older children!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Last week, I took Abi out on a "date"! I had been wanting to do something special just the two of us since we have missed out so much on one-on-one time, and how I missed so much of her last two months of school. (still bummed on not being there for her last day of grade one, but well, I had Rhys, so I can't be TOO upset! LOL) We both had to have our hair cut, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone. (eww… what a terrible thing to say! killing birds! …unless they're crows….) As soon as Daddy came home from work, we jumped into the van and cruised around the mall. Of course, being as I don't plan things well, we only had a good 20 minutes to eat dinner (in the cafeteria) and shop then vamoose over to the salon. (roll eyes) We were only 10 minutes late at the most, but it all worked out good b/c Rhiana wasn't quite ready for us!
Abi went first and boy! was she pampered! She had her first hairwash at a salon and everything! Rhiana even used the blowdryer on her!!! I was so giddy with excitement for her! She looked so incredibly beautiful afterwards!

Look at her grin! Isn't she a cutie!
While I got my hair cut, (which turned out fabulous….it only took me a few days to get used to it! LOL But I actually got EXACTLY what I wanted for a cut! Imagine that!!!) Rhiana's assistant (her hairwasher and all-around go-to girl) put on Abi's makeup for her! (I let her buy a huge compact of eye shadows from Claire's just to make the evening special…oh, and a jar of scented glitter body cream from Body Shop..spent a lot of money that evening, I did!!!) She's so fab!!!

Isn't she a cutie??? *sigh* I LOVE my girl. She's so wonderful and special and beautiful and fun and silly and smart and… I could go on and on. ;) Hard to believe that she's going into Grade Two in two weeks and that she's almost 7 years old!
Abi went first and boy! was she pampered! She had her first hairwash at a salon and everything! Rhiana even used the blowdryer on her!!! I was so giddy with excitement for her! She looked so incredibly beautiful afterwards!

Look at her grin! Isn't she a cutie!
While I got my hair cut, (which turned out fabulous….it only took me a few days to get used to it! LOL But I actually got EXACTLY what I wanted for a cut! Imagine that!!!) Rhiana's assistant (her hairwasher and all-around go-to girl) put on Abi's makeup for her! (I let her buy a huge compact of eye shadows from Claire's just to make the evening special…oh, and a jar of scented glitter body cream from Body Shop..spent a lot of money that evening, I did!!!) She's so fab!!!
Isn't she a cutie??? *sigh* I LOVE my girl. She's so wonderful and special and beautiful and fun and silly and smart and… I could go on and on. ;) Hard to believe that she's going into Grade Two in two weeks and that she's almost 7 years old!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
We're Home!!!!
What a weekend! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Long Weekend (for those who aren't local; it was BC Day on Monday)….I was feeling lonely and bummed that I was missing out on all the festivities. But I did get to spend some time with Rhys and meet some great nurses (Go Nurses!!!!! *big grin*) Let's see if I can recall all the events this weekend up until now, where I sit at the computer in a hot house with a beautiful peanut sleeping in my lap…
When I came in on Friday night, his nj tube was removed, which was a nice surpise! On Saturday, they changed his constant feeding by tube to a bolis feed, which meant that it was done a larger amount every three hours. By that evening, as a complete surprise, I was told I could give him a bottle!!!!! He took it SO incredibly well that they said that I could do every feed by bottle and give the rest by tube if need be, but he only needed the ng tube used twice then went back to full-time bottle feeding!!! Hooray! God is good!
His progress over the weekend, and his taking to the bottle so quickly, has been such a surprise even for the nurses, doctors and for us. We were thinking it could take a whole two more weeks at the rate they were first going to take… This is such an answer to all of your prayers, and we thank-you for that. (thank-you also, Mom, for taking the kids for us. We'll come get them soon…. LOL!)
This morning, we had the OT's come in and do a Swollow Study on him. (Silly me, it was an Upper GI test they did the other day!) They were happy with everything and just gave me tips on his reflux. (not that I needed any, being a part of MWP, a reflux mom's online group, since Bryn's birth!!!) So here we and happy to be home. We have a lot of follow-up apointments though, with the pediatrician, the neurologist, the cardiologist, and our missed MRI… I guess they still want to be certain about some things. But Rhys is on Randadine for his reflux and for the most part, it seems to help.
Enjoy the sun & hug the ones you love!
What a weekend! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Long Weekend (for those who aren't local; it was BC Day on Monday)….I was feeling lonely and bummed that I was missing out on all the festivities. But I did get to spend some time with Rhys and meet some great nurses (Go Nurses!!!!! *big grin*) Let's see if I can recall all the events this weekend up until now, where I sit at the computer in a hot house with a beautiful peanut sleeping in my lap…
When I came in on Friday night, his nj tube was removed, which was a nice surpise! On Saturday, they changed his constant feeding by tube to a bolis feed, which meant that it was done a larger amount every three hours. By that evening, as a complete surprise, I was told I could give him a bottle!!!!! He took it SO incredibly well that they said that I could do every feed by bottle and give the rest by tube if need be, but he only needed the ng tube used twice then went back to full-time bottle feeding!!! Hooray! God is good!
His progress over the weekend, and his taking to the bottle so quickly, has been such a surprise even for the nurses, doctors and for us. We were thinking it could take a whole two more weeks at the rate they were first going to take… This is such an answer to all of your prayers, and we thank-you for that. (thank-you also, Mom, for taking the kids for us. We'll come get them soon…. LOL!)
This morning, we had the OT's come in and do a Swollow Study on him. (Silly me, it was an Upper GI test they did the other day!) They were happy with everything and just gave me tips on his reflux. (not that I needed any, being a part of MWP, a reflux mom's online group, since Bryn's birth!!!) So here we and happy to be home. We have a lot of follow-up apointments though, with the pediatrician, the neurologist, the cardiologist, and our missed MRI… I guess they still want to be certain about some things. But Rhys is on Randadine for his reflux and for the most part, it seems to help.
Enjoy the sun & hug the ones you love!
Friday, August 1, 2008
hello again!
Rhys is doing well and looking so good…except for his odd behaviour of refusing to sleep! The poor nurses had quite a night on Wednesday and he just wanted to be held, so they have requested that I come in overnights now. Which makes sense; it's killing me to think he's in the hospital all by himself. He's not in a private-type area, but on a regular pediatric ward. I'll be staying overnight again tonight, but Jonathan & I are needing to figure out what to do with the kids at home now that the BC Long Weekend is here and our typical babysitters are going away!
I stayed overnight because the nurse told me at 9pm that Rhys had an MRI scheduled in the morning and they needed a parent there. Of course, at 8am, I was told by the doctor that it was cancelled and instead they were going to do a Swallow Study on him! According to the Radiologist, everything looked good during the study (I stayed and watched as they injected some white stuff into both the ng and nj tubes and then gave him some in a bottle…..interesting!) but I'll have to wait to hear the official results. I was also told last night that Rhys has a test booked for the 5th, (of course I can't remember which one!) and then after that one, they will move his nj tube to a ng one and get him "eating" that way, then move him up to bottle again. *sigh* The nice thing is that when I come in, I can hold him and snuggle all I want! That made me happy….that is, until he woke up every 5ms crying! That got old fast!!!
I hope everyone's weekend is wonderful. Much love from our family to yours. {{{HUGS}}}
Rhys is doing well and looking so good…except for his odd behaviour of refusing to sleep! The poor nurses had quite a night on Wednesday and he just wanted to be held, so they have requested that I come in overnights now. Which makes sense; it's killing me to think he's in the hospital all by himself. He's not in a private-type area, but on a regular pediatric ward. I'll be staying overnight again tonight, but Jonathan & I are needing to figure out what to do with the kids at home now that the BC Long Weekend is here and our typical babysitters are going away!
I stayed overnight because the nurse told me at 9pm that Rhys had an MRI scheduled in the morning and they needed a parent there. Of course, at 8am, I was told by the doctor that it was cancelled and instead they were going to do a Swallow Study on him! According to the Radiologist, everything looked good during the study (I stayed and watched as they injected some white stuff into both the ng and nj tubes and then gave him some in a bottle…..interesting!) but I'll have to wait to hear the official results. I was also told last night that Rhys has a test booked for the 5th, (of course I can't remember which one!) and then after that one, they will move his nj tube to a ng one and get him "eating" that way, then move him up to bottle again. *sigh* The nice thing is that when I come in, I can hold him and snuggle all I want! That made me happy….that is, until he woke up every 5ms crying! That got old fast!!!
I hope everyone's weekend is wonderful. Much love from our family to yours. {{{HUGS}}}
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