hello again!
Rhys is doing well and looking so good…except for his odd behaviour of refusing to sleep! The poor nurses had quite a night on Wednesday and he just wanted to be held, so they have requested that I come in overnights now. Which makes sense; it's killing me to think he's in the hospital all by himself. He's not in a private-type area, but on a regular pediatric ward. I'll be staying overnight again tonight, but Jonathan & I are needing to figure out what to do with the kids at home now that the BC Long Weekend is here and our typical babysitters are going away!
I stayed overnight because the nurse told me at 9pm that Rhys had an MRI scheduled in the morning and they needed a parent there. Of course, at 8am, I was told by the doctor that it was cancelled and instead they were going to do a Swallow Study on him! According to the Radiologist, everything looked good during the study (I stayed and watched as they injected some white stuff into both the ng and nj tubes and then gave him some in a bottle…..interesting!) but I'll have to wait to hear the official results. I was also told last night that Rhys has a test booked for the 5th, (of course I can't remember which one!) and then after that one, they will move his nj tube to a ng one and get him "eating" that way, then move him up to bottle again. *sigh* The nice thing is that when I come in, I can hold him and snuggle all I want! That made me happy….that is, until he woke up every 5ms crying! That got old fast!!!
I hope everyone's weekend is wonderful. Much love from our family to yours. {{{HUGS}}}
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