Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sheesh! it's starting to feel like we'll never get well enough again in this house! We've had colds, flus, tonsilitis, stomach bugs, you name it, for about a month. All these germy yucky cells floating around. {{{shudder}}} The big kick that brought it into full drive was when Abi got sick. And she got SICK, poor thing, with Streptoccal pharyngitis or streptococcal sore throat or strep throat. (but it's just fun to say Streptocccal pharyngitis!!!)

Poor girl was miserable. She went from her bed, to my bed, to the living room, and back again. Day after day. Not wanting to eat, drinking a bit, taking antibiotics. She was home from school for 4 days! (Poor Anna, her best friend, was so lost!!!)
But, she didn't JUST get Strep, but she also got….get this! I find this fascinating: Scarlett Fever!!!! Maybe I shouldn't be so enthralled, but well… who gets this anymore??? I thought it was erridicated! I know we get immunized from it (as it can cause death) but was surprised that it is still killing children in Third World countries. (Why is no one sharing our medicines with them?) Scarlett Fever is a mild rash caused by toxins released from the bacteria and is one of the few complications from Strep. It started to show up within 2 days of her being sick.

You can see, she didn't get it too bad (thankfully) and it didn't bother her too much, but it did travel across her arms, legs, face and torso. :( She also got ANOTHER "complication" from Strep: oral herpes!!!! Poor girl! Her lips were dry and they started to break out at the edges, where she couldn't open her mouth too far or else they'd crack and bleed and weep. Not nice at all! So you can see why we kept her home from Wed-Fri and again on Monday.
We also found out something interesting during this week-long trial. It looks like she has an allergy to Penicillin. After taking it for a day, she complained about her lips feeling numb, to which I (like a GOOD mom *shame*) shrugged off with her being sick. Day two of taking it and still complaining of numbness of the lips…when I notice that her lips have puffed up!!! It's like she had taken a botox injection!!! I looked at them, looked again, wondering if she stumbled into some bad light… (lol, Clueless)…then called my neighbour. I needed her opinion, but also for her to watch the boys so I could take her back to the clinic! When Jenny arrived, Abi's lips looks a bit less puffy, but still enough for Jenny to look and look and wonder as well! By the time we go to the clinic and seen the dr, the puffiness was gone altogether. But just to be on the safe side, we're going to assume that Abi has an allergy to penicillin! I am So thankful that it wasn't a Severe reaction! And that it only made her lips feel tingly and numb and swelled her lips for a bit…imagine if it had closed her windpipe? The very thought sends chills.
That's what began our month. Two days after her Streptococcal Episode, Abi got a cold! *roll eyes* I was worried that her antibiotics didn't cover enough and that it was coming back with a vengenance, but this only lasted two days and didn't keep her from school! Phew! We were all starting to feel coldish too…coughing and runny noses and the like.
Then it was Kai's turn. He was staying overnight at Grandma & Grandpa's house so he could play with his cousin, Isaac, who was visiting from Powell River for the week. By the second night, he couldn't sleep, kept complaining of ear pain, and crying a lot. Mom was only able to settle him with warm washcloths on his ears, repeating as needed every few hours. (needless to say, she didn't get much sleep) When I went to pick him up, I brought home Abi and Emma also(so Emma could sleep over here and spend some time with Abi). He seemed okay sleeping that night. Cried a few times in his sleep, but I was able to get some Tylenol into him (what a feat! you know he's sick when he'll accept medication!) and re-warmed cloths for his ear.
But I was FREEZING!!!! I went to bed absolutely cold. I didn't think of it at first as our house was cold from us being out all day, but still… then my throat began to get sore. And I was going from cold chills and layering blankets on me, to hot spells in feverish sweats! I was down for the count! And let me tell you…I am So grateful for my neice, Emma! It was such a good thing she stayed overnight because I really needed her the next day! I literally stayed in bed until 3:30 in the afternoon!!! I couldn't get up, I was in pain, and so tired, and cold and couldn't swollow… it was a nightmare! When Emma got picked up at 5pm by a friend, I wanted to cry! She was so wonderful, watching over the kids. She made them lunch, and saved Bryn from curiousity hurting him! (apparently, he turned on the oven and put his hand into the warmth…eek!!!) Generally, keeping them company while I was TKO in the other room! …not to say that she kept them out of destruction or kept the house realitively clean (it was nicely cleaned the day earlier!) b/c that isn't her 12-year-old forte I guess! But I was thankful for what I got! Then I begged my Life Saver Jenny to pop over to help me get the kids fed and into bed as I could not do it on my own!
I was supposed to take Kai to the clinic that day, but it was totally shot! The next day, I managed to ask my MIL (who was also battling a cold, oops) to come and watch the two kids so that I could go see the doctor with Kai and Rhys. (who had been up every 2-3 hours crying and complaining for two nights with me not being able to settle whatever it was bothering him) It turns out that Kai has an ear infection! Big Surprise! His right ear is the worst, but the left is also a bit sore. So he's on Biaxin. Rhys has the beginnings of an ear infection, which could explain his unhappiness during the night, as well as a cold, which explains his constant coughing and choking, and add in some teething and that's about it! Poor babe. He's also on Biaxin. I have tonsilitis or something, I'm not too sure. SHe didn't give me an actual name, just said my tonsils and glands are really swollen. And, yes, they are! My glands are so swollen that my neck is incredibly sensitive to the touch. I also have the flu. Go figure! I had just gotten the flu shot two days prior!!!! Little too late, I guess. I am also on Biaxin. This doctor likes Biaxin. It's a cure-all antiobiotic for her, I guess, because she doesn't do throat swabs or anything. Oh well. As long as it clears it up, I won't question her.
Meanwhile, Jonathan came home in such chills that he couldn't even speak properly! He was stuttering. "c-c-c-c-can y-y-y-you get m-m-m-me something to d-d-d-drink?" It was so strange! I'd never seen him that cold before; this guy has gone camping in -27 (not taking into account the windchill factor) and been fine! I was a *bit* concerned. He's been curled up in blankets, looking totally lost, with a sore throat. I hope it's not tonsilitis for him as well.
And just in case you thought the sickness that never ends has spared Bryn, I'm here to tell you that I wish!!! Poor Little Bug has a runny green nose that won't stop! He seems to be fine other than that though, thankfully.
When MIL came over on Saturday so that I could run over to the clinic, she started to clean the house (b/c that's what she does) and then Jenny came over too..and the two of them scrubbed my sticky floors (told you Emma didn't mind them to clean up!) and bleached! It lifted my spirits and I'm starting to feel a bit of spunk return for me, so I'm hoping I'm on the mend soon. I am going to give this house a huge Spring Cleaning! Kill those germs! Flush out the dust with some fresh air!
I'm just thankful the sun is starting to come out more now (it actually feels like Spring…knock on wood, lol) and that the kids have another week of Spring Break. The first one was totally wasted on sickiness! I'd like to go out and enjoy the break and the sun!
Soon. I am ready.
Poor girl was miserable. She went from her bed, to my bed, to the living room, and back again. Day after day. Not wanting to eat, drinking a bit, taking antibiotics. She was home from school for 4 days! (Poor Anna, her best friend, was so lost!!!)
But, she didn't JUST get Strep, but she also got….get this! I find this fascinating: Scarlett Fever!!!! Maybe I shouldn't be so enthralled, but well… who gets this anymore??? I thought it was erridicated! I know we get immunized from it (as it can cause death) but was surprised that it is still killing children in Third World countries. (Why is no one sharing our medicines with them?) Scarlett Fever is a mild rash caused by toxins released from the bacteria and is one of the few complications from Strep. It started to show up within 2 days of her being sick.
You can see, she didn't get it too bad (thankfully) and it didn't bother her too much, but it did travel across her arms, legs, face and torso. :( She also got ANOTHER "complication" from Strep: oral herpes!!!! Poor girl! Her lips were dry and they started to break out at the edges, where she couldn't open her mouth too far or else they'd crack and bleed and weep. Not nice at all! So you can see why we kept her home from Wed-Fri and again on Monday.
We also found out something interesting during this week-long trial. It looks like she has an allergy to Penicillin. After taking it for a day, she complained about her lips feeling numb, to which I (like a GOOD mom *shame*) shrugged off with her being sick. Day two of taking it and still complaining of numbness of the lips…when I notice that her lips have puffed up!!! It's like she had taken a botox injection!!! I looked at them, looked again, wondering if she stumbled into some bad light… (lol, Clueless)…then called my neighbour. I needed her opinion, but also for her to watch the boys so I could take her back to the clinic! When Jenny arrived, Abi's lips looks a bit less puffy, but still enough for Jenny to look and look and wonder as well! By the time we go to the clinic and seen the dr, the puffiness was gone altogether. But just to be on the safe side, we're going to assume that Abi has an allergy to penicillin! I am So thankful that it wasn't a Severe reaction! And that it only made her lips feel tingly and numb and swelled her lips for a bit…imagine if it had closed her windpipe? The very thought sends chills.
That's what began our month. Two days after her Streptococcal Episode, Abi got a cold! *roll eyes* I was worried that her antibiotics didn't cover enough and that it was coming back with a vengenance, but this only lasted two days and didn't keep her from school! Phew! We were all starting to feel coldish too…coughing and runny noses and the like.
Then it was Kai's turn. He was staying overnight at Grandma & Grandpa's house so he could play with his cousin, Isaac, who was visiting from Powell River for the week. By the second night, he couldn't sleep, kept complaining of ear pain, and crying a lot. Mom was only able to settle him with warm washcloths on his ears, repeating as needed every few hours. (needless to say, she didn't get much sleep) When I went to pick him up, I brought home Abi and Emma also(so Emma could sleep over here and spend some time with Abi). He seemed okay sleeping that night. Cried a few times in his sleep, but I was able to get some Tylenol into him (what a feat! you know he's sick when he'll accept medication!) and re-warmed cloths for his ear.
But I was FREEZING!!!! I went to bed absolutely cold. I didn't think of it at first as our house was cold from us being out all day, but still… then my throat began to get sore. And I was going from cold chills and layering blankets on me, to hot spells in feverish sweats! I was down for the count! And let me tell you…I am So grateful for my neice, Emma! It was such a good thing she stayed overnight because I really needed her the next day! I literally stayed in bed until 3:30 in the afternoon!!! I couldn't get up, I was in pain, and so tired, and cold and couldn't swollow… it was a nightmare! When Emma got picked up at 5pm by a friend, I wanted to cry! She was so wonderful, watching over the kids. She made them lunch, and saved Bryn from curiousity hurting him! (apparently, he turned on the oven and put his hand into the warmth…eek!!!) Generally, keeping them company while I was TKO in the other room! …not to say that she kept them out of destruction or kept the house realitively clean (it was nicely cleaned the day earlier!) b/c that isn't her 12-year-old forte I guess! But I was thankful for what I got! Then I begged my Life Saver Jenny to pop over to help me get the kids fed and into bed as I could not do it on my own!
I was supposed to take Kai to the clinic that day, but it was totally shot! The next day, I managed to ask my MIL (who was also battling a cold, oops) to come and watch the two kids so that I could go see the doctor with Kai and Rhys. (who had been up every 2-3 hours crying and complaining for two nights with me not being able to settle whatever it was bothering him) It turns out that Kai has an ear infection! Big Surprise! His right ear is the worst, but the left is also a bit sore. So he's on Biaxin. Rhys has the beginnings of an ear infection, which could explain his unhappiness during the night, as well as a cold, which explains his constant coughing and choking, and add in some teething and that's about it! Poor babe. He's also on Biaxin. I have tonsilitis or something, I'm not too sure. SHe didn't give me an actual name, just said my tonsils and glands are really swollen. And, yes, they are! My glands are so swollen that my neck is incredibly sensitive to the touch. I also have the flu. Go figure! I had just gotten the flu shot two days prior!!!! Little too late, I guess. I am also on Biaxin. This doctor likes Biaxin. It's a cure-all antiobiotic for her, I guess, because she doesn't do throat swabs or anything. Oh well. As long as it clears it up, I won't question her.
Meanwhile, Jonathan came home in such chills that he couldn't even speak properly! He was stuttering. "c-c-c-c-can y-y-y-you get m-m-m-me something to d-d-d-drink?" It was so strange! I'd never seen him that cold before; this guy has gone camping in -27 (not taking into account the windchill factor) and been fine! I was a *bit* concerned. He's been curled up in blankets, looking totally lost, with a sore throat. I hope it's not tonsilitis for him as well.
And just in case you thought the sickness that never ends has spared Bryn, I'm here to tell you that I wish!!! Poor Little Bug has a runny green nose that won't stop! He seems to be fine other than that though, thankfully.
When MIL came over on Saturday so that I could run over to the clinic, she started to clean the house (b/c that's what she does) and then Jenny came over too..and the two of them scrubbed my sticky floors (told you Emma didn't mind them to clean up!) and bleached! It lifted my spirits and I'm starting to feel a bit of spunk return for me, so I'm hoping I'm on the mend soon. I am going to give this house a huge Spring Cleaning! Kill those germs! Flush out the dust with some fresh air!
I'm just thankful the sun is starting to come out more now (it actually feels like Spring…knock on wood, lol) and that the kids have another week of Spring Break. The first one was totally wasted on sickiness! I'd like to go out and enjoy the break and the sun!
Soon. I am ready.
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