Monday, March 16, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over HERE to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.
Ahhh, it's that time again. To let it all out. To 'fess up. To be open and honest about our faux pas'. To join the collective group that says, Hey, I'm not all that bad. Look at all the things I DON'T do"! Come join the fun!
**This week, in attemps to potty train my 2 1/2 year old, I did not let him wander the house naked. And I certainly did NOT forget the fact until several hours later, when he pointed to a wet spot on the bathroom floor and said, "Bin peed!" That would be irresponsible! And defeat the Training purpose! And I definitely didn't ask him plainly why he didn't use the potty on his own accord mere inches away!
**While enjoying a cuddly moment with my Muffin, I did not snuggle up close and look into her beautiful face and inwardly desire to pluck her wayward 7 year- old eyebrows. That would be strange. And inappropriate. Just not something I would even notice.
**Baby Honey is 8 months old now and sitting on his own, eating more foods and cutting his first tooth. When I hold his wee self in my arms and breathe in his baby scent (all soft, warm and milky), I am not thinking of another bairn. No, not me! Four is enough children! My baby is still a baby; it's way too early. Nope, not even thinking baby girl thoughts.
**I am certainly NOT obsessive at all lately with playing songs over and over again or reading the same books again a month later. And in these books that I'm not reading, I do not think of myself as being of that time frame (1790) or heritage (Scotland) and I'm not attempting to pick up the language. Nope! I'm firmly grounded and not perchance to such thinking. In trowth!
What have you NOT been doing this week?
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