Monday, August 24, 2009

you've got mail....

I saw this today and it made me LAAAAAUGH!!! okay, maybe to the recipient it isn't funny, but can you think of a more tacky way of telling someone that you may have given them a disease? sheesh! Albeit, it's a better solution than not telling them anything, I suppose. But wow! Read on...

You've got mail — and possibly an STD
Brazil creates e-cards to inform partners of infection


RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — The Brazilian Health Ministry has created a Web site to let people inform partners they’ve got a sexually transmitted disease via an e-mailed virtual postcard.

The official in charge of the ministry’s STD and AIDs programs notes that many people have a hard time telling partners they’re infected.

Mariangela Simao said in a statement this week that the e-mails may help people “to tackle these diseases directly and with minimum exposure.”

One of the cards shows a young man reclining in his underwear. It reads: “Hi! I don’t know if this is the best way to tell you, but I’ve learned that I have an STD.”

The card suggests the recipient see a doctor.


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