Our good neighbour, Jenny, invited us over to their house to play in their pool the other night, so we took a quick walk through our backyard and into theirs! (yes, when we rebuilt our fence, Hunny and Steve, left a spot for a gate between our backyards for the kids. If that doesn't say Good Neighbours, I don't know what does!)
First stop was the kids jumping on the trampline with soap and water! (the idea makes me nervous since it's so slippery and makes for easier accidents to happen, so I keep an eye on them. The Olders handle it better than the Youngers, that's for sure; the Youngers don't handle the Olders big jumps and end up being bounced all over.)
Then it was time to hit the pool to cool off!
Yeah, it looks like we need a new neighbourhood pool, but hey we got 7 kids into it at once! (we are missing two)
Time with friends chatting while the kids run around and play nicely is such a great way to spend a summer evening!
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