It's that time of week again; where I look back over the things that I am thankful for. This feature was started by Louise, at Talk Nerdy To Me. Check out her list, then make your own!
1. Beautiful Flowers
These beautiful yellow lillies are at my parents' house. They have the best garden; I just tend to kill most of my plants still. I am hoping to one day have some sort of green thumb, but so far they are only green due to ink or paint! I guess we can't all be good at the same things. These just make me happy looking at them.
2. Bedtime Stories
Eden grabbed some light bedtime reading choices when we slept over at my parents' house! I love that she loves to read and has to have them all read to her. I hope that she grows into a reader, just like her sister. (the boys need more work. Or rather, they need to find some books that interest them.)
3. Late Night Chats
While at my parents' house, after the kids went to bed, my Mom and I had a de-stress-conversation. I couldn't sleep; I was hot and felt restless and just had too much on my mind, so I got up at 10:45pm. I noticed that my Mom was also up and so we sat together and had tea and chatted until 2:45am!!! I can't recall the last time I've stayed up that late chatting with her, but not likely since I was a teen! It was good to let things go and to have some support and encouragement and to find comfort in knowing you aren't alone in your thoughts. That's why women talk, right?
I am so blessed to have opportunities like these.
4. Trips to the pool
I was able to take the kids to the pool with my mom, something that I can't do on my own. (I tried once and it was way too stressful and Rhys almost drowned, and it was just scarey.) I was so impressed with them! We hadn't been to the pool in Chilliwack in over a year and all of the kids have grown in their abilities! The Olders were more brave and were going deeper, and Bryn was putting his head under water often (He has been practicing at home in the bathtub for some time now) and even the Youngers were going deep. I personally think that they have some sort of death wish to drown themselves, but I do love their bravery. It is good to see. A year ago and they were mostly nervous and frightened of the water and got cold easy. This year, they were in the pool for an hour before making it to the hot tub, and even then they went back into the pool to swim for another hour! (all except Eden, who fell asleep in my arms for a nap, and B, who wasn't quite feeling himself.) I definitely think these kids are ready to go back for swimming lessons in the fall!
5. Music in the mail
I was surprised with a package in the mail last week. It had no return address on it, but I can tell my mom's handwriting! She sent me the brand new cd Neon Steeple by Crowder, which I have been wanting for some time. It came up on sale at Blessings and I wasn't able to head there on my own, so she picked it up for me. Yay for blessings like wonderful music, and yay for mail and yay for moms who love to give surprise gifts!
I am loving this cd! My favourite songs are My Beloved, Here's My Heart, Hands of Love, Come As You Are....really, I love the whole cd! I am hoping that David Crowder will come back up this way for another concert like he did with his band in 2009, or that Passion will come locally (who he is on tour with).
What a blessing it would be to be able to worship with thousands of others to these songs.
6. Weather that holds out
We weren't too sure if the weather was going to be nice for my nephew's birthday party on the weekend, since there was a 60% chance of rain and it was windy that morning, but thankfully it turned out great! Not too bad after all. It wasn't hot and it wasn't chilly. The kids had fun playing in the park and Gavin loved all of his gifts and everything worked out!
the birthday boy checking out his loot!
Yay for friends with babies!
7. Cooler Weather with sunshine breaks
I love summer and the warm weather, but let me tell you, I was so happy that we had a few cooler days this week! Too many hot days in a row make my kids stay up too late and have trouble sleeping! So it was nice to be able to put them into bed at a more reasonable time and for them to sleep better. I am also thankful that we have had those sunny breaks in the middle of those cooler days, because three rainy days in a row makes it seem quite sad and boring and restless for my children!
8. THIS.
This news makes me so happy, so thankful, so relieved.
Meriam Ibrahim and her family were finally allowed to leave Sudan, and they arrived in Italy today, and apparently met with the Pope. Such wonderful news! In case you haven't been following her story, Meriam was sentanced to death in May for apostasy, that is, for converting to Christianity instead of the Muslim faith of the country. (Despite, her claims that she was raised a Christian in an Ethiopian family, and married an American man of the same beliefs, instead of being raised Muslim and converting to Christianity, which apparently is illegal there.) She had been in prison since May, where she gave birth to her second child.
After petitions, several country leaders and general opposition (I signed a petition!) the ruling for death was changed and she was released. But she wasn't allowed to leave the country. Until today. Hooray!
As a Christian, this makes me so happy. She was my hero as I thought about the possibility of having to die for her faith. We live in such a safe country and I have no idea what it is like to face death and opposition and persecution for my beliefs.
As a human, I am happy to hear she is safe because I also believe that everyone should be able to practice whatever they want for beliefs. That is the free will choice that God gave us.
So that is my list. Go check out Louise's list, and then make your own. There is so much to be thankful for!
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