TGIF! Right? That's what they say? I tell you, I am sooo happy that this week is "over"…okay, technically there's still Saturday, but you know what I mean. This week has been increasingly tough for me. To be honest, I don't know how I survived!!!
Since Bryn has lost his voice and this is day 4 and he's more than miserable and is choking and I was told that it could be caused by his reflux or related to it, I decided to take him to see a doctor. I didn't go with the clinic up the street (I think I'm done with that one and the crazy misdiagnosing doctors!!!) but wanted him to see our regular GP. Except Dr. Cathie wasn't available this morning and wasn't in that afternoon. However, we were told that there is the clinic to go to that evening. I opted for that.
I took Bryn to the clinic at our GP's office as soon as Jonathan came home and could watch the older two. I had just fed Bryn and he was playing fine in his exersaucer but he was quite upset about us going. In fact, on the whole 20ms drive there, he SCREAMED. In his pitiful voice. I was near tears. He fussed in my lap at the clinic, but guess what? Was just fine when the doctor saw us!!! No tears, no screams, didn't even prove he has no voice!!!
I ended up being seen by Dr. Fell, a dr who treated me 2 years ago, and was surprised she recognized me! (by face, not name–she is the dr listed on Abi's birth certificate for being the delivery dr, but the truth is, she didn't make it in time! LOL) She actually seemed to know a *bit* about reflux too and was really sympathetic, which helped. But I was sticking to my guns and mentioned how he screams, arches, throws up, etc. I told her how he was on Zantac, but it wasn't doing anything. She was stumped! She said it's Not Common for infants to go onto Zantac unless it's a really bad case!!! I TOLD her I wanted him put on a PPI. (yay go me!) But she said, "Ooooh, I don't know…. ahhh… that's not something we do for babies."
***stunned silence***
She suggested that I increase his Zantac to three times a day: morning dose, dinnertime and bedtime. I pointedly asked her, "how will that help his pain in the day?" She didn't know but said it may help with his fussiness in the night, again I asked what I was supposed to do for the daytime. She just didn't have an answer for me. She felt bad for me but said she didn't know much about meds or reflux enough to be able to give me something. I was so ready to cry right there! I don't blame her, but I was so upset!!! She said a few times that she wished she could offer me something or help me out, but said that I looked like I was "coping well." despite having a very troubled baby. I was thinking, "wow, lady, you have NO idea…!"
As for his lack of voice and CONSTANT choking and coughing up cr*p….I told her I was worried he had aspirated, so she listened to his chest (even though we could audiably hear crackling in his chest.) He's not wheezy, which is good, but he's got congestion. She said it sounded in the upper chest, but she was concerned that it may be lower and deeper. She couldn't be too sure, so she gave us a preventative script for amoxicilan. So that's something.
I'm not angry at the doctor; I like her a lot, she really DID feel badly for us. BUT she couldn't (or wouldn't) give us anything. But, to be honest, if i were in her situation I would've done the same. I mean, I'm seeing my own ped on Wednesday… *sigh* SOOOO…come Wednesday, I'm going to have to grow a backbone (LOL) and tell him that if he's not willing to give us a better medication then I need a referral to see a GI.
So that's that. I went to the truck and cried a bit. Bryn screamed almost the whole ride home again. When he fell asleep, I actually felt back for him all paranoid he'd stopped breathing!!! And since we got home, he's been screaming all evening. He's finally going to sleep again in my arms. (heaven forbid I put him down. ) Things pretty much sucked, but to be honest, I'm doing a LOT better than I was when I left the drs!!! I guess I keep plugging along until Wed.
The dr did say that if he gets worse, has trouble breathing, ect, to go to the ER. I wonder if THEY'D give him something??? lol
This has been on H*LL of a week. I am PMS'y, am so frustrated and at the end of my rope with Bryn's screaming, suffering from lack of sleep, am emotional… just not good. I'm not too sure what to do. Jonathan made me cry the other night too when he suggested I start taking my anti-depressants. I filled the script for them months ago at his request but didn't take them because I was doing so well. I didn't feel that I needed them. Sure I had a few tough days, but generally I feel OKAY. But now I'm not too sure. Am I *just* emotional and PMS'y, or am I suffering from depression again??? *sigh* I don't know if I should wait it out a bit longer, wait for my AF to end first, or start on the meds.
Bryn is screaming again. I thought he'd sleep better in his car seat instead of my arms. Silly me! LOL.
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