I got the nicest compliment on Friday when I was picking up Abi from school. It came from another mom of one of Abi's classmates (and her "boyfriend", teehee….her words!!!) She told me that whenever she sees me, I'm always happy and smiling and that I make her day! Ahhhh! That has got to be the nicest thing I've heard in a while! And from a "stranger" too…I know her in such that I've talked to her before, but not personally, if that makes sense. The nicest thing about it is that I don't FEEL smiley or even happy. I don't feel terrible either, but I've had my share of constant nausea that has kept the joy from me in many ways. It's drained me of all energy, this pregnancy, and I've lost my taste for food, and I feel so ill all the time. Even with Diclectin things aren't better. :( But I am 15w now, so I"m hoping that my magic number is 16…which is has been for the other pregnancies; my nausea ended by week 16. So only a bit further to go.
Along the same lines…these colds don't seem to want to fully disappear either, which has really been tough on me. I"m sick of being sick!!!! I feel frustrated about the way things are right now! :( I"m praying for extra ounces of energy and for this bug to finally leave the house. Poor Kai coughs and chokes and it's terrible sounding.
But on to good news! Abi lost another tooth!!!! Now both her bottom teeth are missing and there's a big gap! It's so cute!!! It's also surreal. To think that she's that OLD, you know? That's she's growing up. She really IS exiting those "baby" years, isn't she, and becoming a "big girl"? It's exciting, but so sad. Time flies faster now!!!
Here's her pic with her one tooth missing. What a cutie!!!
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