Normally I don't trip. Actually I'm a very good walker. I tend to always notice when things are on the floor, I'm good at paying attention to what's around me, I'm the one stepping OVER things instead of onto or tipping like Jonathan or the kids do. I'm proud of myself. But then there's the odd day….
Like last night. I was carrying Bryn downstairs and outside to join the others. I saw the rake, so I stepped over it. But somehow caught my foot on the stepping stone or something. I tried to steady myself, but just couldn't, and down came Mommy, baby and all.
It was quite traumatic. :( As I was falling, I just couldn't hold onto Bryn and he tumbled out onto the cement, and then I slammed into it, scraping open my knee badly and getting rock imprints onto my palm. I remember saying, "Oh golly!" when I let go of Bryn. What a thing to say, eh? LOL I guess it's better than swearing, but still! Jonathan came running to check on Bryn, who had landed onto his back, then rolled a bit against Jenn's flowerbeds. Bryn was screaming, but wasn't hurt, thankfully, so he was picked up and Jonathan looked him over. I resisted the urge to grab my baby back so the medically-trained first aid attendant could give me the okay. Of course, that took forever, and tears are welling up in my eyes, and finally I squeaked out, "would you just tell me if he's okay?"
He was. I took him, and snuggled, and he stopped screaming, then we went back inside, so I could hide in shame!!! I nearly broke my baby! Meanwhile, my knee is dripping blood! I had scraped it up pretty badly, ripping off several layers of skin. Eek! It looks pretty gross!
But we're all okay. Bryn had a red spot on his head and a wee bump, but nothing bad. His shoulder has a few scratches on it, but nothing too noticeable. Poor baby. My knee looks yucky, but I'll live! I've got it safely covered up with a big bandage.
But I sure felt horrible. MAN! It felt like I just threw the baby!!! Shame on me! It was funny though, b/c when Jenn came inside to check up on us, we were talking about it and then Bryn started up crying again as if he understood what we were talking about and was reliving the pain! Poor baby was just shaken up and scared, only a bit scratched up at least. What a night! Then on top of it, a few hours later, Bryn rolls out of bed onto the floor while he's sleeping! It just wasn't a good baby night!!!