Poor Bryn is not reacting well to his shots yesterday. He had a fever last night. It felt warmer than a "low grade" one, but couldn't tell b/c my thermometer doesn't work. (needs new batteries, how embarrassing!) Then I wake up and there's a wet spot on the bed… along with poop! He had diarreah (did I spell that right? I don't know why that word won't stick in my head for spelling! grr!) leak out his diaper! :( He had yellow diarreah two more times that morning, along with his fever. :( He just wanted me to hold him.
Then there was this afternoon. He wouldn't sleep long, then he'd spend the rest of the time just whining. Then then puking…. something he does in small amounts everyday, but today was puking more often and larger amounts!
*roll eyes*
I'd say he's had a *bit* of a reaction to his immunizations! Nothing major, of course. No spots or rashes or anything. But this is more than the others had. This didn't happen after his first shots either. Hmm… Coincidence? I don't know.
He had been crying off and on, wiggling, arching, and just generally being unhappy no matter what I did for about two hours, so I finally gave him some Mylanta Supreme to see if that would help. Maybe it's his reflux acting up, since he has been throwing up after each bottle today.
:{ He didn't settle down right away, but did fall asleep with a bottle half hour later.
Poor little guy.
I am tired and I am grumpy. I want to go to bed, but instead I'm sitting here updating you! :) I spent much of the day packing for our camping trip. That's not fun! But the kids and myself are all done, yay! Of course, after all my hard work today, I find out we're not leaving until noon. For some reason that bugged me! But I'm reminding myself that it means I can sleep in a bit (Jonathan will be home from work) and I can spend more time making sure the house is clean and we don't forget anything! :)
I was all excited about camping until I learned that it's supposed to rain this weekend. :( *pout* I'm not looking forwards to that at all! :( But maybe it won't. Maybe we'll be surprised and it will be nice and warm and the kids can play at the playground and we'll have lots of fun! I hope I have a camera that works….. I've been trying to charge Hunny's for four days now and it hasn't worked. Tonight we found out why: the charger case was broken and we didn't know that! :( Phooey. And for some reason the new batteries in my digital keep dying. I don't know if it's the camera or a seriously sucky box of batteries b/c I'll grab two new AAs and they'll die within 5 minutes, no lie! It's really making me angry!!! grr!!! So we'll see…
Well I'm off to bed. I need my beauty sleep (although I did try to send off this chain mail to 8 of my friends within 5 minutes so I won't be ugly for 10 years, so hopefully I did it correctly! I actually sent it to 10 friends, does that mean I get extra beauty points???)
If I don't get a chance to pop back in tomorrow, have a wonderful Long Weekend. (It's Victoria Day in Canada) I'll update you on the camping when I get back!
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