Got a call from Kai's dentist this evening. One week today (the 10th), Kai was supposed to go in for dental surgery at a special clinic, but after looking over his file and the doctor's notes and such, the anesthiologist has a few concerns. So now the surgery will be performed at the Children's Hospital in Vancouver. That is a good thing because they have a Great anesthiology team (according to the dentist) and cardiac ward (which we know about b/c we've been there before).
I'm relieved that they want to be extra cautious as I was a bit worried about the whole thing! I'm sure that it would've been fine with no problems, but you can't help but wonder if there will be any issues with putting him to sleep and his heart. Yes, he's doing really well and his cardiologist has given us the green light for many things, but as a mother you worry.
So, good news: we'll have it done at the hospital Just In Case. Bad News: our appointment will take a while due to wait list. Good News: we are near the top due to his heart condition! Bad News: we may not get in until August. Good News: the anesthia is covered at the hospital, so the near $700 we already pre-paid may be all returned to us!
I was so hoping that we wouldn't have to do this procedure on him anyways, but if it needs to be, I'd rather we do it now instead of waiting. The three front teeth of his have bad tooth decay behind them. They are all discoloured a dark yellow, so he'll be getting white fillings on them. I check them every few days and poke at them and he doesn't seem to mind, which tells me he isn't in any pain, which is a relief. Growing up with bad teeth has always been an embarrassment of mine, and if I could now I'd get braces still! Unfortunately that will likely never happen b/c now we have children to pay for! Oh well. You'd think I'd be used to them by now, but my severely croked front teeth still make me self conscious and I always wonder if people see them and only that or if that's how they remember me or what. Sad. :( So, I want to be sure that I do what I can to make my children's teeth a non-issue. (**as a disclaimer, I don't feel badly for how I grew up or blame my parents for any of this, it's just something that I've always wanted to change.)
I guess in some ways I got an answer to prayer regarding this. I was really getting nervous about the whole thing! I was reading the preparation sheet and it says that Kai can not eat or drink anything …even WATER!!!… after midnight!!! How in the WORLD am I supposed to get him to sleep??? He will not sleep without something! I mean, not even WATER???? That's MY biggest concern, to be honest. But we'll cross that come August now!
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