This Thursday is registration for preschool and I have no idea what I'm going to do yet. Last year, I came 5 minutes after 11am (when registration started) and the class was booked up!!! And we were the 8th on the list for anyone dropping out! It's a good thing that Teacher Michelle decided to start a second Social Rec 3 this year, otherwise Kai would've been at home instead of making me cute crafts!
But this is our dilemma: Abi will be in grade one and going to school every day. Her school is a 20ms drive now, but the school is moving, so it could be at least 25-30ms drive there and back. Classes begin at 8:40am for her, so I drop her off and help her get situated, say goodbye and be gone. I zip back here and attempt to make it for Kai's preschool at 9:15am. Think I can make it? I should JUST make it, but it has taken me to 9:30am to return home before. Hmm…
So do we sign him up anyways and hope to get home in time? Or do we sign him up somewhere else? Jonathan would like him to stay with Teacher Michelle, though. But there is another Social Rec class in the afternoons from 11-1, but it only runs once a week. Hmm… Do we try that?
The other thought is that we sign him up for Pre-K. All the social rec classes are for 3 year olds, after all, and he'll be 4 in November. He's not ready for Pre-K, but we could always just put him into it two years, but if he's not ready, I don't want him to feel behind the other kids.
Then there is always a totally different school…but where? One closer to the house? We run into the problem of racing home in time. Closer to Abi's school? Then I'll be travelling all over. See, there is a preschool at Abi's elementary school, but then I'd be going into Langley and up the hill 4x a few times a week, back and forth, and that seems a bit much.
I need to figure this out by Thursday. If I'm not in to register him at the school he's at, he won't get in. The joys of using the Rec Centre; they fill fast!
I feel frustrated about this! I just don't know what to do!!! Jonathan has too much on his mind right now, so he can't help me out. I don't want to keep Kai home, but I don't know where he should go. Which makes the most sense for us. *sigh* I guess we just pray that a solution pops up this week!
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