Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Mother's Day Liturgy

I tend to approach Mother's Day timidly. When I was first married, I was under the impression that becoming a Mother was something easy to achieve. Within a year, I found out that it's not always so simple and easy for everyone after all. My first ectopic took a year to physically get over, and even longer emotionally. It also opened up my eyes to the struggles many women and families face.

I have been blessed incredibly with 5 children here but I think of those who are not able to hold on to their children. Whether through infertility, pregnancy loss, early childhood death, giving up a child for adoption, or relationship strains...the list can be long. My heart aches for you. I pray that you had peace this day.

This was shared this morning at my church, and I want to pass it along to you.

A Liturgy for Mother’s Day – by Amy Young

“To those who gave birth this year to their first child—we celebrate with you

To those who lost a child this year – we mourn with you

To those who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food stains – we appreciate you

To those who experienced loss through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away—we mourn with you

To those who walk the hard path of infertility, fraught with pokes, prods, tears, and disappointment – we walk with you. Forgive us when we say foolish things. We don’t mean to make this harder than it is.

To those who are foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms – we need you

To those who have warm and close relationships with your children – we celebrate with you

To those who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with your children – we sit with you

To those who lost their mothers this year – we grieve with you

To those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother – we acknowledge your experience

To those who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of motherhood – we are better for having you in our midst

To those who are single and long to be married and mothering your own children – we mourn that life has not turned out the way you longed for it to be

To those who step-parent – we walk with you on these complex paths

To those who envisioned lavishing love on grandchildren -yet that dream is not to be, we grieve with you
To those who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year – we grieve and rejoice with you

To those who placed children up for adoption — we commend you for your selflessness and remember how you hold that child in your heart

And to those who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising –we anticipate with you

This Mother’s Day, we walk with you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart and we have real warriors in our midst. We remember you.”


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